<p>I just booked a campus tour at Berkeley in January! :)</p>
<p>damn you 4 months- fly by!</p>
<p>I just booked a campus tour at Berkeley in January! :)</p>
<p>damn you 4 months- fly by!</p>
because I can finally get out of LA! YAY!! (only been here 7 months but I can’t wait to get out…)</p>
<p>Let us all know how berkeley is i applied too but I have no clue if I’ll get in lol.</p>
<p>You’re telling me. I grew up in LA, and moved to SD for a couple years for CCC. </p>
<p>Next stop- Bay Area?</p>
<p>Haha lucky! I’ve JUST started the transfer process (hell I’m still in high school!) and I visit CC and assist.org so much I’m considering on making them my homepage I live in LA, and I can’t WAIT to go to Cal!!!
<p>CAL!!! i hope i get in!!! it’ll be the happiest day of my life, thus far!!!</p>
<p>do u have a link where we can sign up for a campus tour? i’m more interested in UCLA tour tho since i’m in OC. don’t want to fly all the way to berkeley just for a tour</p>
<p>yea, thatd be cool, I want to take a campus tour of berkeley as well.</p>
<p>You’re gonna fall in love with UCLA after you do the tour, trust me!!</p>
<p>For Berkeley: <a href=“http://campustours.berkeley.edu/free_reservation.html[/url]”>http://campustours.berkeley.edu/free_reservation.html</a></p>
<p>YES! berkeley/santa cruz-one of them. I have to. I need to lol.
UCLA is beautiful with the red brick buildings, palm trees and such, but I just do not fit into the LA scene,. At allll! If I got in, that’d be another story. We shall see :P</p>
<p>[Campus</a> Tours - UCLA Undergraduate Admissions](<a href=“http://www.admissions.ucla.edu/prospect/TourRequest.aspx]Campus”>http://www.admissions.ucla.edu/prospect/TourRequest.aspx)</p>
<p>there’s the UCLA tour one</p>