<p>I'm going as a new ninth grader..... I'M SOOO EXCITED!!!</p>
<p>Did you pick your classes, sports, etc yet? That makes everything much more real, doesn't it?</p>
<p>Oh, I am going to attend St. Andrew’s this Fall. I will be in grade 11. It’s nice to meet you ^^</p>
<p>Cool, thanks for resurrecting the thread! Did you go to revisit day?</p>
<p>I am struggling between St. Andrews and St. Georges, what made you pick St. Andrews? What are you guys doing there tonight?</p>
<p>We (my daughter actually) picked it for the academics, which are second to none. We did spend the day on campus today watching the crew teams compete. When we left, the students were going out to listen to bands and have an ice cream social at 10. </p>
<p>What kinds of things are you interested in?</p>
<p>MEEEEEE. OH BOY. Can’t wait, hahaha.
<p>Hi, I really hope.
I just spent Arts weekend on campus and had a very relaxing time. I hear the '13 class is going to be larger than my daughter’s class ('12), perhaps they had a higher yield this year, than predicted. Sounds like they have some dorm re-arranging to do.</p>
<p>One of my best friend’s brothers goes to St. Andrews. He absolutely loves how social it is!</p>
<p>Can the students sleep in on Sundays or is chapel required?</p>
<p>Chapel is required, as far as I know. Some students attend different services in town with faculty members, but the rest go to chapel. It is not always in the morning, however.</p>
<p>Looks to me like any school with a name like ST. something has required Chapel. Not suprising I guess. :)</p>
<p>Yes, SAS does require Chapel, but it’s really not that bad. Not at all in fact. most of the time it’s at 11 am or at 6:45 pm, so it is capable to sleep in.</p>
<p>hi serena!!!
hahahaa see you next year :P</p>
<p>We need to have a College Confidential party there, hahaha.
I’m being forgetful, how many sit-down meals are there a week?</p>
<p>Thanks itsren. No problem with Chapel, good to keep the connections with upstairs. What I was looking really for and answered was the opportunity to sleep in once in awhile.</p>
<p>Are there JV tennis teams? If not, what happens to those students who don’t make Varsity?</p>
<p>Yep, there is a JV tennis team, in fact, I was on it. It’s a lot of fun and we have a couple matches.</p>
<p>Sorry for the late reply!</p>