<p>All through high school I remember people saying that you don't have homework in college and how all you had were an exam or two and your final. Whatever! I have so much <em>homework</em> type work... math problems, notes from assigned reading, required field trips, nightly research papers, random paragraphs. It bites! For the most part, the homework is required and if you DON'T do it points get deducted. Same thing with attendance. I remember people telling me that you didn't have to go to class and you could only show up for the final. Yeah right. Attendance is recorded and a part of your grade(ie if you don't come to X classes you get X deducted from your next test grade) </p>
<p>Well some classes are like what they say. Some of them just have a few test grades and that's it. That would mainly apply for larger classes where the teacher would have to grade way too many papers.</p>
<p>I've never had a class with no homework. I spent hours every day/night working on homework, papers, presentations, studying, etc.. it's typical. Not all classes have attendence either. I didn't go to one of my classes for two or three weeks (i was doing the work at home) and I ended up getting an A in it. Of course, it was a class of 10 people and it was come and go as you please.</p>
<p>I'm doing a class at my local CUNY (city university) during my senior year in high school, and I WISH that the professor looked at my homework. I think the only reason he gives homework is to prepare us for the tests. It just feels pointless to spend about 5 hours a night (even though it's only for 2 days a week) doing homework that no-one cares if I do. At least I'll probabley do well on the tests for the class (I hope). It really gets discouraging when you have a professor who doesn't care.
<p>Actually, I'm getting much MUCH less homework than I ever did in HS! I'm serious! Life is so much better here; it's more relaxed, I don't have to study as much. I am a Freshman, though. I know that it's gonna be more demanding as I progress on.</p>
<p>Well... in HS my teachers never collected homework but in college they are. In my math class we have assigned problems and they are graded for correctness... In total HW counts as 100pts for the semester and we have three tests each 150pts.... it's actually quite a big chunck, IMO.</p>
<p>professors give homework to prepare for the next lecture so that he wont have a whole class full of dumbfounded kids. but really college has been a lot smoother than high school where there would be constant quizzes and pointless textbook homeworks. college is more about critical thinking where as in high school you are basically taught to regurgitate.</p>
<p>It also helps to ask upperclassmen/people you know that already went to the school if they would recommend certain profs. or if certain ones are better than the other. All my profs. were "pre-screened" I guess you could say and I have it way too easy. I could easily add another 2 classes.</p>
<p>yeah I've got math Hw everynight and a quiz a week (with my first test on thursday! eek!) along with one graded homework assaignment per week, so for me this is more than I had in HS homework load wise, but I just know "m going to get sucked into not doing my practice problems... I'm already several days behind lol, and my big goal for frosh year was not to procrastinate.... o well, life goes on</p>