<p>I'm applying for a summer program (it's a local one, but I'm sure it's pretty competitive). It's for a biomedical lab thing, but I don't know who I should ask for my letter of recommendation: my Science Olympiad coach or my AP Bio teacher. I'm practically the favorite on the SciOly team, and I know he would write an outstanding letter for me. However, I don't know if he would be able to express my interest in biology, since I've only very briefly mentioned my thoughts on anything non-SciOly related. He is a biology teacher.</p>
<p>I have a pretty good relationship with my AP Bio teacher, but I'm definitely not the top in a class of 25 students (maybe in the top 5? I average A-s on tests, A in class, but still). However, I'm the only one who discusses the concepts and questions in class with him, sometimes staying back to keep talking about advancements in genetics research. I don't feel as though he likes me as much as my SciOly coach does, but I know he truly appreciates the thought and effort I put into the class... since I'm the only one that makes an effort to talk at all. Will my lack of top-student status work against me?</p>
<p>The deadline for the application is the end of March, so I have time. Who should I ask to recommend me?</p>