<p>I need two teacher recs for a scholarship I'm applying for, and I'm in a bit of a quandry over who to chose. Any advice would be great.</p>
<p>History teacher (10th grade): I had him for AP World. He really seemed to like me and thought I was an "outstanding student" based on what I've heard. He has a great personality, too, and really seems to know me as person. He also lent me books to self-study another AP. The issue with him, though, is that most colleges don't seem to like recs from before Jr. year.</p>
<p>Math teacher (11th): I did really well in that class and helped a lot of the other students. She seemed to have a favorable opinion of me, but I don't think she knows my personality as well as some of my other choices. Other the class I had her for wasn't exactly the most demanding.</p>
<p>Government teacher (12): So far, she seems to like me as a person and student, and I've done will thus far (hopefully, both of those things will continue ;) ). That class is largely lecture, though, so my personality doesn't show through quite as much as with others.</p>
<p>History teacher (11th): My APUSH teacher. From what she said, she really liked me, and I did extremely well in that class. She already wrote me one rec, however, and I would sfeel bad asking for another. I participated a lot in class, so I think she knows my personality well.</p>
<p>Japanese teacher: I had her last year and will have her this year. I do a ton of Japanese class outside of class (contests, club, etc.), so she could include that. She knows my "Japanese personality" well and has openly offered to write a rec. My concern, however, is that English is not her native language. Don't get me wrong, she speaks English very fluently (if I could ever speak japanese that well, I'd be incredibly overjoyed!), but I worry that she doesn't have the same written style as native speakers.</p>