Who wants a button that magically could take them back two years?

<p>As in, magically, 2 years younger?</p>

<p>I most certainly would. But then this implies subscribing to a non-deterministic view of the world, as well as the view that my actions could potentially be different had I been transported back two years. I'm not quite sure if that's possible, bar a many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. But heck yes, I'd press that button to take myself back two years!!!</p>

<p>No because I CANT WAIT FOR COLLEGE! Srsly, anywhere but here.........</p>

<p>I wouldn't repeat my high school years. Ever. What I'd like to do is go back temporarily and slap myself in the face freshman year and give myself a good talking to. But spending extra years in high school would probably make me moderately suicidal.</p>

<p>A more pressing philosophical question would be - how would a continuity of consciousness be possible? Given that all the memories formed since would have to vanish...</p>

<p>Certainly, I would believe according to the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, that certain other potential branch-offs from the current Copenhagenian universe would be more desirable than the one branch-off that I am in now, two years later. <em>cries</em> I hate some of the decisions I made in the last two years</p>

<p>I don't know. I've got so much XP right now, I don't think I'd have the heart to savescum. Two years is a lot of wasted gametime. :D Plus I like my attributes as they are.</p>

<p>NO! I hate past. Past sucks badly.</p>

<p>no chance in hell.
5 weeks until graduation, and i don't even know if i can make it that long..</p>

<p>I actually do just so I can focus during school and get good grades. I don't relaly apply myself at all so i get horrible grades. Yeah, my dreams of a good college are slowly going out the window. Then again it might just be because i'm spending too much time on cc that my confidence is decreasing.</p>


I agree completely. Otherwise I'm actually surprisingly, blissfully happy with the way my life is turning out right now. I feel as if I've weathered the worst part. :)</p>

<p>as much as i'm looking forward to graduating... i think i would do it. just because there are some things i would do differently.</p>

<p>there are some things I wish I could have done differently, but I don't really think any of them would have made a difference in the long run. and there's no way I'd want to go through the college applications again!</p>

<p>I would LOVE to turn back the clock to August of 2006. The past year for me has been hell, truly. I have suffered this year so much and turning the clock back I could stop an accident that happened that killed my best friend.</p>

<p>when going back would we still know what we know now and be able to change? or would it be just like living everything over again?</p>

<p>well even thought my lower than ability performance in 9th and 11th grades I still wouldn't go back. all the good times i've had it would definitely not be worth it. because i know the point would be to go back and just study all the time and i probably wouldnt have my friends.</p>

<p>i would go back and study less, spend more time with friends. i like where my life is now, but i always wonder how my high school experience could have been different.</p>

<p>If I still had memories of these past 2 years. Yes!!!!!!</p>

<p>Try the past four years. Maybe then I'd work my ass off in high school and would have gotten into Wharton. But, who knows, maybe I would have stayed lazy...</p>

<p>-The Lazy Coot66</p>

<p>Hell yes. Wouldn't have gone to the craphole I go now. Wouldn't even be an issue.</p>

<p>No because I wouldn't want to have to repeat 2 years of high school again... I'm done with that</p>

<p>Yes because then I would be able to avoid all the mistakes I made in HS and have the perfect HS experience.</p>