Who Wants To Be Rich

<p>o yeah, lol</p>

<p>So nobody here likes money… ***. I don’t think any of you has actually been poor. It sucks. Btw back on topic. I want to be uber rich #1. like private island and huge yachts.</p>

<p>My dream is of being rich! Too bad my dream career doesn’t allow it (physicist)
Does anyone know of a rich physicist?</p>

<p>I like money, I’m just too proud to say it, even on an anonymous online forum. :D</p>

<p>I’d rather be known as a benevolent, selfless intellectual.</p>


Ditto. I’ve always had less money than all my friends. I’d like to be able to go to 1) go to a restaurant, and 2) base my decision on what I actually want to eat, rather than what’s cheapest.</p>

<p>^amen brotha its all about the food!</p>

<p>I would love to superfluously ridiculously disgustingly rich. </p>

<p>Unfortunately my major is philosophy. So much for that. </p>

<p>But honestly, as much as I would love to be super wealthy with a big boat and closets full of designer apparrel and a pool house where my “kept boy” (lol) resides, i think I will be happier as a “philosopher” (aka teacher. haha.).</p>

<p>Hm, for me, being rich wouldn’t necessarily mean yachts, designer apparel, and a pool house, so much as just not having to worry about financial problems, and not having to work a day job solely to make a living (as opposed to doing what you really want to do in life, whatever that may be). Also, having a cell phone and a car would be a good place to start.</p>

<p>What I would do after Harvard College and Harvard Business School is go to Africa make a few farms, drum up some capital, introduce some modern equipment to the region, make a farming company, EXPAND EXPAND EXPAND and make BILLIONS in the process. Then run for Parliament in the District where my Grand dad was Chief (in Uganda) and therefore where I am almost certain to get elected. Get elected distinguish myself from my peers with my economic proposals and become Minister of Finance, followed by PM and hopefully by some miraculous miracle President of Uganda. From there I will use my enormous fortune and power to make Uganda into a second Dubai and help my people in the process. Within 80 years of my reign Uganda must be a first world country with a strong presene on the international stage. Following Uganda’s example under my visionary leadership Kenya and Tanzania and Rwanda will annex with Uganda creating the United States of Africa. I will then use my experience in studying American politics to found this new nation and its institutions and create a utopia in Africa the second USA. And them my name will go down in history with the likes of George Washington, Churchill and Caesar. And through my humanitarian work I will be able to help my people and in return god will reward me with the highest position in heaven (God Willing). Well that’s the plan anyways …</p>

<p>Oh I forget to mention I will also be President of the USA (United States of Africa). For my humanitarian work I will be awarded the Noble peace prize and I will also get the Hotchkiss Alumnus Award and an Honorary degree from Harvard (I would not mind a few awards as well). And finally for my great services to stability in the region I will be awarded the Presidential Medal of freedom. You guys watch me. I will do every single thing on this list … Well that’s the plan anyways…</p>

<p>^ Then you’ll get assassinated.</p>

<p>LOL! As long as I did something to change the world (especially Africa and the situation in the middle east) for the better I will be proud of my life and will proudly join the ranks of MLK, Malcom X, JFK, and Caesar - the elite assassinated hero’s club.</p>

<p>thats whats up my dude. lol. Well, as far as im concerned, im tired of being broke as *<strong><em>, and i aint to proud to say it. Matter of fact, im proud as *</em></strong> of saying it. CASH RULE EVERYTHING AROUND ME., and Jesus of course.</p>

<p>Kafkareborn- are you satirizing or serious?</p>

<p>To whoever asked: many of the world’s best hedge fund managers are trained as physicists.</p>

<p>[citation needed]</p>

<p>I’m gonna have to be rich to pay off student loans.</p>


<p>To GeoffreyChaucer:
Seroiusly? I never knew that</p>

<p>Yep. A lot of people in that business (hedge funds) actually have PhD’s in math/physics and transition from academia to Wall Street to do computer modeling and computer-based trading, which can make you lots of $$$ if you’re good at it.</p>

<p>^ Yeah I heard about that. Usually it’s a whole bunch of scientists from a wide range of fields who come together and are able to analyze market stuff.</p>