Who will you open your decision with/tell first?!

<p>Personally, I considered logging into my portal next Wednesday withmy girlfriend nearby but now that I think about it I'd probably rather be alone!...
She'll definitely be the first person to hear about my decision though..</p>

<p>What about you all? Who do you expect to celebrate/mourne with??</p>

<p>Most likely, I will be mourning with a giant tub of ice cream. I’ll tell whoever asks how I was rejected by Penn.</p>

<p>I’ll check alone. And then I’ll tell my dad first and then mom.</p>

<p>parents and hopefully i’ll have my closest friends with me. rejection or acceptance, i’ll probably cry.</p>

<p>I’ll probably do it alone and then cry with a tub of ice cream after the rejection letter, or jump and scream for joy if I get in. Then I’ll tell my parents and siblings.</p>

<p>Love this thread idea!</p>

<p>6pm EST is between my school’s Semester Finals and the regional Mock Trial competition…so I prefer NOT to let the decision influence my performance in Mock Trial.</p>

<p>Will be checking after I get home (probably ~1 hour later.) I’ll be alone, and not at school, so no one will witness a potential mental/emotional breakdown…</p>

<p>I’ll definitely phone my parents afterwards (both of them work late.) But my iPod + running shoes will be there for comfort so I can run it out I guess.</p>

<p>how about “how” will you open it. Will some of you cover their screen with a piece of paper and slightly go down to see if there’s a big Congratulations!</p>

<p>^^^ oh no the desperation to know is real at this point. I’m just going to open it.</p>

<p>^Interesting idea, but I don’t think I’d be able to bear the suspense any longer. I mean, jeez, Penn - if you’re gonna reject me, please do it sooner rather than later so I’ll have more time to lick my wounds and do those other apps!</p>

<p>^agreed. My school ends at exactly 3PM pacific time so literally as the bell rings, decisions will come out. I think I will go home, go upstairs into my closet with my laptop. Hold my “PENN” pen and Wharton shirt in my hand and quietly log into the portal while blasting dragonforce. I will scan for the word Huzzah, and if it is not present, I will promptly close the computor, change the playlist to The Script songs and throw my PENN pen out the window while driving to the salvation army to donate my wharton shirt. On the other hand, if the word Huzzah is present, I will promptly rip my shirt off, put on my Wharton shirt, write I DID IT on my wall with the PENN pen and break down into a torrential flood of tears while changing the playlist to we are the champions. I will then proceed to lay flat on the ground and roll out onto the cul-de-sac in front of my house and roll around on the street until my parents come home. Yeah, I’m crazy.</p>



<p>Actually, I think the proper word is epic.</p>

<p>I’m on the West Coast, too, so I completely feel your situation…</p>

<p>@wharton17 and @foxtails: West Coasties unite! My last class ends the same time decisions come out. I’ll probably skip class just because I don’t want people to ask me if I got in or not. Either that or hide in the bathroom.</p>

<p>actually I thought of another great idea, I live in the foothills of a 3,000 foot mountain, so if i got accepted, I would run to the top of the mountain ~ a 2 hour run, overlook the SF bay area, and just yell : “you see that world! I made it! Wharton class of '17”</p>

<p>w17 - I feel like we have collectively contributed a solid chunk of the posts on the CC Penn forum for the past two days (at least, the threads dealing with panicked applicants stressing over ED decisions/notification…)</p>

<p>Too bad I should be doing math homework :p</p>

<p>Also, my entire school knows where I applied early, so they’ll all be asking too .___. sigh… </p>

<p>Did any of you keep your application a secret? I feel like it would’ve been easier on my pride if no one knew about my ED application to Penn (and thus I wouldn’t need to tell everyone, on December 13th, that “no, I didn’t get in…”)</p>

<p>LOL, yeah, my post count went from 50 to like 80 in three days. I did tell people but, mainly because I’m a really open guy and my school is super academic so others won’t really let me live in peace until they know where I’ve applied. I don’t feel bad telling them if I get rejected; I mean there’s a lot of other wonderful people out there who may be better than I am and in that case, they deserve it more than I do. Also, although I would feel terrible, I have come to the conclusion that if I get rejected, it may be because I wouldn’t have fit in with the school, maybe I would have hated it there and maybe I wouldn’t be successful if I went there. So either way, its a win-win: If I make it, cool I’m going to Wharton. If not, oh well, I probably would have failed my classes there with those super geniuses anyways. That’s my approach.</p>

<p>6.00 PM means 6.00 AM here…No sleep i guess.</p>

<p>psychedelia, wharton17 and foxtails, i’m left coast too. i’ll be tutoring someone after class, but my parents are going to check, then text my younger sister who has a poker face like a german double-agent from a Quentin Tarantino film, so hopefully she is convincing me that i didn’t get in, which would mean that the unbelievably most incredible thing truly did happen! But I am prepared to use a Yellow or Red banner. Too much Sushi and mochi (sp?) ice cream later, I will start dreaming nice thoughts about an amazing second choice 200 miles west of Philadelphia that I am very lucky to have gotten into (I am Nursing major so we get rolling apps in early, alongside the Penn ED). I haven’t deserved the blessings I have gotten so far.</p>

<p>wharton17, is that Mt Diablo or Tamalpais? Be careful for the mountain lions!</p>

<p>I’ll open it with my school’s librarian. I have classes there 3 hours/day, her son’s a Penn alumnus, and she helped review my essays.</p>

<p>If accepted, my parents will be so happy that I’m going to <em>Penn State</em>… they still have no clue what Wharton is. I’m a Huntsman/Wharton-second-choice applicant.</p>


Then you could miss out on quite a bit. In the last few years, at least, the word “Huzzah” hasn’t appeared anywhere in Penn acceptance letters. The word “Hurrah,” on the other hand, has appeared twice in each of those letters–as in “Hurrah, hurrah Pennsylvania!”–as in this:</p>

<p>[The</a> Red and Blue! - YouTube](<a href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agElJJ8IUYM]The”>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agElJJ8IUYM)</p>

<p>Usually at the very beginning of the letter.</p>

<p>Wouldn’t want you to miss out on that if it’s there, simply because you hadn’t found the word “Huzzah” and had promptly (and prematurely) closed your computer. ;)</p>