Whoa i totally bombed the physics olympiad test

<p>it sucks not knowing calculus X-(</p>

<p>worse things could happen</p>

<p>I think I got maybe 5 right on the MC, maybe 7. And I think I may have gotten 8 (or so)/25 on one of the free response questions. (And 0/75 for the other three). My teacher took it for "fun" - she even had a "favorite" question. </p>

<p>She was like, "Ideally, you would have taken an entire year of AP Physics, and studied some on your own." There were like 5 kids just in Honors, and two of us AP guys. We all had the same expression the whole time while taking the test - "***?"</p>

<p>At least there was pizza and soda in the lab.</p>

<p>I looked at the USApHO 2006 test and smiled since I thought I would do well, opened the MC booklet and laughed because I thought they put the hardest problem on the front page, looked at the second MC problem and laughed even harder at the tricky Olympiad committee, then laid eyes on the third problem and cried till the end of the section...then smiled again as I remembered that FR was still weighed most heavily on test, looked at the first FR problem and was disappointed, looked at the second one and became agitated, looked at third one and sunk into depression, looked at the fourth FR Q and slowly sunk into withdrawal. Finally, when I closed the exam booklet, I gave a quick fake smile to my hopefully foolishly hopeful physics teacher, ran like a madman to get some fresh air and never looked back.</p>

<p>I can characterize the whole Physics Olympiad experience in one word: ****!!@!</p>

<p>haha the free response was a beast. I didnt even know u could accelerate in units of m/s^3</p>

<p>It's called "jerk." - the rate of change of the acceleration. When we started school, she was like, "I know you probably learned that jerk is da/dt in calc, but you'll NEVER see that in physics class."</p>

<p>I definitely blurted out a "What the hell did I just read?" during one of the MC questions.</p>

<p>But I DEFINITELY got that half life question right. I was so proud because I had learned that in Alg II. What was horrible is that all the E&M stuff that was on that test...my class is supposed to learn this week.</p>

<p>I did badly as well. Only got first 2 FRQ's and no idea how I did on M/C.</p>

<p>i think i got like 10 right on MC(not sure) and like 2 on FRQ, but idk. It was VERY HARD... it was hard... i'm tired.</p>