Whoops :/

<p>Right now I am looking at the page for the University Fellows application, and I am just now seeing that I wasn’t supposed to include my name and contact information on my resume. The one that I submitted was a pre-made one that I use for everything and it had all my contact information on there. I’m really afraid that this is going to completely ruin my chances of advancing. Is there anything I can do? Please help!</p>

<p>From my understanding, you should have no worries. You’re name and info will be blocked off your resume when it is reviewed. It shouldn’t ruin your chances of advancing. Good luck and enjoy the holidays!</p>

<p>That sounds like a tiny boo-boo. My son and I have made like three or four giant errors in the college application process so far, so if that’s your worst goof, I’d say you are in excellent shape! Good luck! :)</p>