Who's applying from HS Class of 2017?

Hey guys,

Just curious. Who’s applying from the high school class of 2017? I am, and I’m from Illinois. I plan on visiting over the summer :slight_smile:

My daughter is and is coming from New York! We visited 3 weeks ago and she loved it!

@jeepgirl that’s great! Can you tell me a little about it? Like, is it super Greek, how far away is Tuscaloosa from campus, would having a car on campus be helpful? What is your daughter looking to major in?

My daughter is looking in a business major. She will also be applying to the Honor program. (They were wonderful on our tour) We were told a car is not nec, but I think it would be nice to have one there. We are not sure if we will send her with one or not, if she goes. We have a good friend that just finished her freshman year there and brought her car down second semester. Our friend did go greek and my daughter plans to as well. My understanding is about 50% of kids do, but you would be fine not doing it. My daughter has a personality that would be fine either way. Not sure about Tuscaloosa, we stayed near campus and spent our time on the strip. We found flying into Birmingham super easy and getting to the campus just as easy. This is a big thing for us, being 15 hours away. We were there during a very slow time which gave us a chance to become really familiar with the campus. We plan to go back once she is admitted.

Musicgirl, the campus is in Tuscaloosa. Downtown Tuscaloosa is within walking distance - 1.5 miles at most from the Quad. Other shopping, like Midtown Village, the mall and Target, is between 2 and 2.5 miles from the Quad. The Strip (with bars, restaurants and some stores) and a Publix supermarket are adjacent to campus.

Having a car is not a necessity, but it is definitely helpful. My daughter took her car from the beginning and both she and we are glad she had it.

To clarify (re: #3 above)… “about 50% of the kids” do NOT go Greek (social Greek). Overall, the campus is somewhere around 33% Greek, maybe 35% by now. Yes, lots of freshmen girls go through rush (last fall, about 50% is the number that I saw reported, and that was much higher than Fall 2014), but not all of them accept a bid / remain in Greek life for their entire time at UA. For GUYS, the percentages are much lower; I know for Fall 2014, maybe 20% of the guys pledged. Yes, the sororities are quite noticeable on campus, but there’s really SO much more… I would certainly not want a young woman to feel that she must go Greek if she comes to UA :slight_smile: The social Greek scene is not for everyone, but there are wonderful opportunities for those who are interested in it.

“Having a car is not a necessity, but it is definitely helpful. My daughter took her car from the beginning and both she and we are glad she had it.”

I’m wondering what was helpful about having a car? My older son is at a different school and didn’t have a car his first year. He really only uses at school now it to go back and forth to work or drive home. If my middle son goes to UA next year and lives on campus what would he need a car for? Is there really much need to go off campus freshman year?

My now-graduated son lived on campus Fr and So years and did not have a car either year. He did not have a car his Jr year, either, but was within walking distance of campus, so felt he didn’t need one. He had a car his Sr year, and I guess it was just convenient for errands. It was not a necessity. He always found rides with others. If your student will be driving back and forth to home over breaks, then yes, it could be very helpful for that purpose. If your roommate has a car (and you don’t), help out with gas or other favors to make it fair. It is very easy to arrange rides to airports and other places - there are a variety of ways to do this (and is detailed in many other threads).

My son will be applying this year. His anticipated major is mechanical engineering. Hopefully honors. We are from New York.

His ACT score will be a big factor, considering the very generous scholarships. He’s taking it in September and possibly October. Fingers crossed for the magical 32!

If he is accepted we will visit.

@jeepgirl your daughter sounds a lot like me! I’ll also be in business. I also plan on rushing if I end up at Bama, but probably not at other schools, and I’m visiting with the honors college when I head down there on Monday. We are also far away (12 hour drive), but my dad and I plan on driving down. If I took my car, I wouldn’t drive myself home because my parents don’t feel comfortable with it. They’re totally okay with me taking my car, but I’m not sure if it’s something that I’m going to want on campus

@amy9998 that’s good! I am probably going to rush, but I don’t know if i’ll accept a bid. I will if I find a group of girls that I like

@STEM2017 I was considering taking the ACT again, but my parents said no after I got the same score three times lol

@musicgirl131 Two time max for my son. Whatever it is, it is. If a school doesn’t want him because of his ACT score, considering the rest of the package, then its their loss - he’ll move on.

Good luck! Hope to hear more about your story going forward!

I’ll be applying! I’m planning to visit this summer since Alabama is pretty far away from where I live. I’m planning on majoring in political science, and I hope to be accepted into the honors college.

@MissRB0021 I told my parents that I wanted to visit yesterday and we scheduled a visit for Monday, lol. It’s also super far from me, but I’m excited to drive down and see it! I am going to major in accounting, and also wish to be in the honors program.

@stem2017 Just to comment on the magical “32” for scholarship. A 30 ACT is still very good because you would get 2/3 OOS tuition scholarship money + $2500 stipend. That would make Tuition/R&B = $19,830.

That is much less expensive than our IS tuition/R&B cost in IL. I do not know the costs in NY.

Link for Scholarships at UA:


@CyclonesGrad Yes, thank you! I made a comment in another thread that the difference between a 31 and a 32 is a $34,600 point!

But I agree, the UA Scholar level is still VERY generous.

With a car, my daughter was able to go to the store whenever she wanted without having to rely on the limited weekend shuttles or others with cars. She was able to check out kayaks from the Rec Center and transport them in order to go kayaking. She could go play golf or disc golf. She could drive herself to any medical appointments. Getting to off-campus sites she needed to get to for the occasional class was no issue. She could pick me up at the airport when I flew in for the occasional game, and lend me her car while I was there. She could drive to Birmingham when she wanted to take advantage of things that aren’t in Tuscaloosa. She could drive herself to and from the airport when she flew home for Thanksgiving. She could drive herself home for Christmas break and down to Florida for Spring Break. She could haul her excess stuff to storage and then move herself out at the end of the year. Those are a few of the things I can think of.

My daughter got a 31 on the ACT three times in a row. Although her composite scores were the same, her subscores fluctuated wildly. She took it one last time, without any additional preparation, and got a 33. None of her subscores was higher than a subscore she had gotten previously, but she just happened to get all of her high subscores at the same time. Springing for that extra ACT sitting saved us tens of thousands of dollars.

^well I guess if he gets a 30 the first time and a 31 the second, maybe I’ll let him try a third time…lol