Who's Applying!? :]

<p>I actually had to switch to RD. Teachers JUST turned in LORs! Ugh, I asked them for LORs in early Sept and said they were due in late Oct and they still managed to turn them in late! (last teacher submitted two days ago) -___-</p>

<p>Memaw, have you checked with L&C if the app can still be considered EA? LORs are not in your control and you’re only a few weeks late.</p>

<p>No, I hadn’t thought of that. I will email admissions and ask. Thanks for the advice!</p>

<p>My son applied. He’s been accepted at Drezel, Menlo College, Tulane and Willamette. He also applied to Cal Poly and 4 UCs.</p>

<p>I applied EA. I have a lower GPA and a 26 ACT, but I had a great interview. I got a form letter about the interview and the admissions counselor wrote a personal note at the end. Hopefully this will bode well for me! I’m studying abroad second semester in South Africa so I hope Lewis and Clark values the initiative I took on that opportunity.</p>

<p>dschur I think you’ll get in. One of the guys I met on my overnight said he had a low 2.something GPA. The admission rate is 60 something percent, right? :)</p>

<p>Lily2012, I hope you’re right! Even though the admissions rate is somewhat high, I’ve learned to expect the unexpected! It would be great to attend a school like Lewis and Clark. It felt really “me” when I visited last spring.</p>

<p>Have you EA people gotten your results yet?</p>

<p>memaw yeah they sent out an email a few weeks ago. I also got my letter with merit aid ($10,000) as well. (I got in!)</p>