who's definitely going to stanford?

<p>who's definitely going to stanford?</p>

<p>I am! If you've turned in your forms already, you can get on facebook and meet a bunch more people who've already confirmed.</p>

<p>Count me in! I'm sending in my enrollment card this week.</p>

<p>me!!! me!!! unless i die this summer from partying too hard.</p>

<p>me, as long as i stay out of trouble for the next few months</p>

<p>but i still cant bring myself to say no to cal just yet, i think ill hold onto it for now jsut incase i do anything dumb at admit weekend...</p>

<p>im 100% goin 2 stanford!!!!! I'm very excited!!!!!!</p>

<p>word. see all of u next year! :-D</p>

<p>I wish i was. Lol.</p>

<p>count me in...unless my 2nd semester grades keep me from coming</p>


<p>god damn 2nd semester grades...</p>

<p>me! can't wait!</p>

<p>meeeeeeeeeee. UChicago bit the dust so fast when I got my decision. I felt bad... :)</p>

<p>I'm comin too!!!!!:) I CAN'T WAIT!!!</p>