Who's going to be the last person to post in this thread?

<p>ugh...I hate rainy days. It makes an already boring day even more boring...</p>

<p>I like the rain. It is pretty.</p>

<p>i'm glad it stopped raining... but tomorrow it will be cold again :(</p>

<p>well, you're lucky you dont live in oregon</p>

<p>You are lucky you do not live in Russia. Russia is pretty cool, though.</p>

<p>why is that lucky?</p>

<p>i dont really know. i like pirates</p>

<p>Because then you would be a commie.</p>

<p>a commie like your mommie?</p>

<p>(don't mean to be rude, that's just too perfect)</p>

<p>No, it was funny. Although my mother is not a commie.</p>

<p>Yea...I'd probably guess that</p>

<p>Obama won Wyoming today...</p>

<p>As it should be.</p>

<p>you guys post way too much on this thread...</p>

<p>I'm very competitive.</p>

<p>as ama iiii</p>

<p>But not as much as me ;)</p>

<p>I win</p>

<p>I AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>(the last person to post in this thread)</p>

<p>i just got home</p>
