Who's off waitlist

<p>who's off waitlist? Please post your name here</p>

<p>1) OperaDad</p>

<p>Hi there Mr.■■■■■, why don’t you just stick to the topic that has already been made one the exact same subject some moments before you made this one?</p>

<p>dang reptil calm down why do you feel the need to be such an jerk.</p>

<p>Because the user above is a known ■■■■■ for many posts leaving other members confused and mislead.</p>

<p>I believe that this post is also for the purpose of annoying others as there is already a topic which is perfectly fine for use.</p>

<p>Patronus - I can understand reptil’s reticence about waitlistoffwaitl posting. Here is the text from his first post, which I at the time even commented on:

His second post was an entire thread pointing to his first post. He then got offended when it was suggested that he was either pulling a prank on CC or that friends/enemies pulled a prank on him. There is some history there for reptil to reach his/her conclusion.</p>

<p>Thanks for backing me up smoda61. It’s not just inside the Harvard subforum that this member has been ■■■■■■■■. I’ve seen him around all over CC ■■■■■■■■ as the best of his capaticity. I suppose he or she finds it rewarding to ■■■■■, confuse and mislead other people and thus continues to do it.</p>

<p>NP, I find those whose goals are to stir up trouble tiring. As soon as I saw the name, I remembered the name from those original two posts and knew where you were coming from.</p>

<p>I saw something from OperaDad last week and he has quite an imagination.</p>

<p>i stand corrected and you were not being a jerk, but rather a champion for the common people</p>

<p>^ Hahaha. I wish I could be a champion for the common people. :(</p>

<p>The OP is my hero. I wish I had his single-minded persistence and ability to ignore those who tell me I am misguided and crazy to pursue my dreams. He reminds me a lot of Alex Chiu (google – he’s a god) in his visionary approach to the world around him.</p>

<p>I second that. Alex Chiu is a god.</p>