<p>Let’s say I got a 2100 on an SAT practice test; does this mean I’d score somewhere around a 210 on the PSAT, or vice versa (210 on PSAT and 2100 on actual SAT)?</p>
<p>Depends. Two differences b/w the SAT and PSAT. SAT has Algebra 2 material and an essay. </p>
<p>So if your essay inflates your score, you might do worse on the writing section. </p>
<p>If your essay deflates your score, you might do better on the writing section. </p>
<p>If you have can master all math, or all math but Algebra 2, your math score may increase.</p>
<p>If your best section is Algebra 2, you might do worse on the the math section.</p>
<p>Reading should be the same.</p>
<p>Does anyone know where I can find the answers to the 2009 PSAT Practice Test. I found a copy of the test, but it doesn’t have the answers with it! lol :(</p>
<p>Barron’s is so had it is depressing</p>
<p>CO14 here, dropping in to tell you all good luck. <3</p>
<p>It depends on your state, and you’ll need to be a junior</p>
<p>I’m just gonna wing it. If I was a junior I might be flipping out.</p>
<p>To those of you who took practice tests, they are pretty accurate. Last year, as a sophomore, I took a practice PSAT test the night before and got a 220. Got a 215 with no prep (unless you count the practice test). </p>
<p>I took a practice test this Saturday and scored a 230, so I’m hoping for National Merit. </p>
<p>If anyone wants to know if the PSAT is a good predictor for the SAT, I got a 2200 in May. (730 cr, 670 m, 800 w) compared to my PSAT (77 cr, 76 m, 71 w). Best of luck to you all!</p>
<p>I didn’t even know people prepared for the PSAT…</p>
<p>Critical Reading & Writing Skills are near perfect
(73 & 76)
Don’t even want to talk about my math though, it’s legitimately bad (not even CC bad, just straight bad).</p>
<p>Not me. Forgot all about it.</p>
<p>good luck everyone! :)</p>
<p>How do you all think you did?</p>
<p>I thought it was surprisingly easy, especially the writing and math. The second CR was cake, but I stumbled a little on the first…</p>
<p>I found the CR really easy as I did the Writing. The math, the first section, was kinda hard in the middle for me but the second math section was easy I thought! So glad its done though. Can’t wait for scores to come out!!</p>
<p>I thought a couple multiple choice Maths were difficult and some of the first CR. Writing was okay and most of the math and cr was good. I have a lot of preparation for the SAT and next year though</p>
<p>Math was pretty easy </p>
<p>The first cr was cake the second one I got stumped on 2 questions</p>
<p>Writing was flippin easy</p>
<p>The cr was a little hard at first but the second one was beyond easy, i finished with plenty of time left. The math section was okay, a lot of it was easy.</p>
<p>Math i had 3 brain farts, reading the translator one was confusing, and writing I probably missed 5 or 6.</p>
<p>I was stumped on having to write that statement in cursive…</p>