<p>Gossip Girl won't be having a new episode tonight D:?.... :( :(</p>
<p>that’s so laaaaaaaaaame.</p>
<p>omgsh i love gossip girl. <333 and one tree hill. <333</p>
<p>One Tree Hill… Not so much. lol. I never got into that show.</p>
<p>mmm yeah, i’m definitely exclusively goss girl.</p>
<p>I’m physically depressed!</p>
<p>^ lolz. Silly girls :p</p>
<p>What terrible television. Go watch Entourage, Monk, House, or something similarly beautiful :)</p>
<p>^ i watch house and grays anatomy too…i watch gg when parents aren’t home lol.</p>
<p>I know it’s terrible television. Gossip Girl and 90210 are merely guilty pleasures.</p>
<p>I LOVE Entourage, Monk, House, Heroes, Grey’s Anatomy, Flight of the Conchords, and 24 as well (and Gilmore Girls… but that’s not on anymore =( ).</p>
<p>^ good, just checking ;)</p>
<p>It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia is legit, too.</p>
<p>My guilty pleasure is definitely Family Guy haha</p>
<p>What terrible television. Go watch Entourage, Monk, House, or something similarly beautiful </p>
<p>I love Monk and House.
One Tree Hill and Gossip Girl just make me want to barf.</p>
<p>uhhhh i’m a boy :(</p>
<p>And I refuse to let you knock it until you’ve tried it!</p>
<p>House, Flight of the Conchords, and It’s Always Sunny are not guilty pleasures.</p>
<p>Those are just excellent television shows!</p>
<p>2legit… I said 90210 and Gossip Girl were guilty pleasures.</p>
<p>And I refuse to let you knock it until you’ve tried it!</p>
<p>I have tried it…
I can’t do it.</p>
<p>I’m currently watching House, Scrubs, and Heroes, though on Hulu and not on my regular TV. House has started to bore me recently though – it’s far too formulaic!</p>
<p>^ I don’t watch any of the shows on a regular basis so I don’t have to worry about that. :)</p>
<p>Ahh me! I forgot and I turned it on and was so sad :(</p>