Whose income do I use on the FAFSA?

I tried to email FAFSA about this, but they gave me the generic automated answer.

My mother is usually who I lived with more than half of the year my whole life, as my parents broke up before I was born. I would usually stay 1-2 weeks a month at my dad’s. She moved to another state in September 2021, so I have started living with my father full time, so I can stay at my high school. She had no job in 2020 and didn’t file taxes, her boyfriend worked, but they broke up in July 2021, and I have no contact with him.

Do I put my mom’s income or my dad’s?

For the current FAFSA, you use the parent with whom you lived the most day from the day of filling (say you do it today, Oct 17) back one year. So who did you live with the most overnights from Oct 18, 2020 to Oct 17, 2021 ?

If you use your mother’s income, she will have to apply for a FSA ID (as will you) and then fill out the information. Since she didn’t file taxes in 2021 for 2020 earnings she won’t be able to use the tax DRT to transfer info, so will probably be required to give a 'non-filer’s statement to schools. She should order one of these now as they can take a while to receive.


Thank you, is it the same for the CSS Profile do you know?

The CSS usually requires the information from both parents, one as the primary, the other as non-custodial. I do not know how the CSS defines custodial or which dates they use (date of filing, calendar year?)

Usually the custodial parent for the Profile is the same as the custodial parent for the FAFSA.

Just an FYI to the OP. This rule about custodial parent being who you live with most will be changing for the 2023-2024 FAFSA form. The custodial parent will be the one who provides the most of your support (hard to make that someone who doesn’t work and hasn’t filed taxes….).

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Thank you, I figure I’ll just use my dad’s to make everything less complicated anyways, my mom doesn’t know her last employed date and a lot of other things on the CSS Profile.

You can use your dad’s info on FAFSA if he is the custodial parent for the last 365 days. For CSS Profile, both parents will have to report their income and assets, if the school requires Profile. So if your dad is the custodial parent, your mom will have to fill out the non custodial parent paperwork for CSS Profile, which includes her income from 2020 and current assets.

Some colleges require the non-custodial parent Profile and some don’t. Check the college websites to find out what each college requires.

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