Why Alabama over UMD?

<p>and pretty good football</p>

<p>lol…gee Malanai, you’re hard to please! ;)</p>

<p>Two National Championships in 3 years and a blow-out at last year’s bowl game vs Mich St and it’s just “pretty good football?” ;)</p>

<p>(I know that you’re just kiddin’)</p>

<p>*“Because the Alabama of 2012 is the antithesis of what prompted your skepticism.”</p>


<p>I love this! </p>

<p>Several years ago, when my H first told this Southern California girl that his company was moving to Alabama, I was stunned. I’m embarrassed to admit, that I wasn’t sure where the state exactly was. Of course, I knew it was in the South, but I couldn’t remember if it had a coastline (important to me…lol) or if it was landlocked. And it just seemed like it would be an odd place for us to live.</p>

<p>Well, then H found out that we would actually have a choice…we could move to Maryland or Alabama. The company set up a 2 week visiting trip - one week in Maryland and one week in Alabama. We went to Maryland first, (didn’t really like it, but didn’t hate it either) , but spent the rest of that week visiting Washington DC. Then we went to Alabama. Loved it from Day One. </p>

<p>Alabama is like Orange County back when I was a little girl when there were lots of trees (although those trees were orange groves!) and there wasn’t much traffic. </p>

<p>I just got home last night after spending 3 weeks in Orange County. Ugh…the traffic, the crowded cities…I’m glad to be back home!</p>

<p>momof2collegekids, it’s kind of refreshing to “hear” you admit to ignorance of something even if it’s a sad lack of knowledge of US geography. You usually know everything! </p>

<p>I have a very happy niece at Alabama, she went there for the oos scholarship, the engineering school and the honors college. I am so thrilled she is happy there because I helped her find the scholarship through CC.</p>

<p>I cannot address differences between the two schools, but I will share our experience with BAMA.</p>

<p>The deal was sealed for our daughter when she went for a personal visit arranged through the Honors College. After touring and meeting with various people regarding her interests and being treated to lunch, she sat down to speak with Dr. Sharpe face to face. He was as welcoming and genuine as if we had known him for years. He provided my daughter with a way to contact him and assured her not to worry about the time difference…he would call her back according to HER schedule. He told her that BAMA wanted her and her siblings who are also top students and would do whatever it took (within his power) to have them there. When she returned to school with a note signed by the Dean of the Honors College verifying her college visit, the counselors were very impressed. We ran into him at a few events later and he remembered her. My goodness even with such a large student body I’ve made friends with the lovely ladies at Fresh Foods and they remember me when I visit. I know she is in good hands at BAMA.</p>

<p>I think some of the taunting by her friends is a result of jealousy and the fact they have never visited. Some came for a game and were very envious of the UA. It was not what they had expected at all. It bothered her at first, but now she says she has the last laugh because they didn’t realize what they were missing. The UA campus has a totally different feel from some of the state schools where we live. It is purely personal preference, but we didn’t like a campus with an urban feel.</p>

<p>I’m not familiar with UMD personally and respect that the UA might not be the right fit for everyone, but I can assure you there is no place that will welcome you or treat you more graciously than BAMA. It really is like a family to us…even after the recruiting was over and she is attending there now. No one tops Bama’s recruiting efforts…period. Again, I know she is in good hands. My daughter fell in love the first time she stepped foot on campus. She could have gone most anywhere, but she found a home at BAMA.</p>

<p>I wish you the best in making the right decision for you. I highly recommend you visit campus if you can swing it.</p>

<p>* even if it’s a sad lack of knowledge of US geography.*</p>

<p>lol…yes, I have to admit that I had just kind of blurred the entire South into one vague region in my head! Pathetic, I know! lol</p>

<p>*it’s kind of refreshing to “hear” you admit to ignorance of something even if it’s a sad lack of knowledge of US geography. You usually know everything! </p>


<p>lol…good heavens…certainly not everything…not even close! But, don’t tell my H…or my kids! ;)</p>

<p>*I have a very happy niece at Alabama, she went there for the oos scholarship, the engineering school and the honors college. I am so thrilled she is happy there because I helped her find the scholarship through CC. *</p>

<p>What a great aunt! Best wishes for your niece! :)</p>

<p>" no place that will welcome you or treat you more graciously than BAMA. It really is like a family to us…even after the recruiting was over and she is attending there now. No one tops Bama’s recruiting efforts…period. Again, I know she is in good hands. My daughter fell in love the first time she stepped foot on campus. She could have gone most anywhere, but she found a home at BAMA."</p>

<p>THIS ^^^^^^ I called my mom from my BAMA visit and said it felt like “home”.</p>