Why am I apprehensive?

<p>When I was applying to UW-Madison, I was determined to get in and confident that it was the school for me. Now that I have been accepted, however, I am not so confident and I can't explain why. I know that Madison is a great school and the atmosphere seems amazing. Has anyone else felt this way and can anyone offer some advice?</p>

<p>Are your concerns similar to mine? –> [Campus Culture: “Work Hard, Play Hard”](<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-wisconsin-madison/1229685-campus-culture-work-hard-play-hard-etc.html”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-wisconsin-madison/1229685-campus-culture-work-hard-play-hard-etc.html&lt;/a&gt;)</p>

<p>I’m assuming you’ve visited the school? I guess I kinda feel the whole “wouldn’t want to join a club that would have me as a member” sentiment. But mostly, I’m excited. It gives me something to look forward to after senior year, which can’t go by fast enough.</p>

<p>Once I get there, it’ll be more of the same (more work, more social dilemmas etc.) but in the now, I’ve chosen to be excited. I’d imagine it’s perfectly natural to be anxious about going off to college no matter which college that is. Peace.</p>

<p>Yeah, my concerns are similar, but not on the same level as yours. I think the main thing is I want to make sure that wherever I end up going is the right school for me. Madison is still number one on my list and I only have one tour left- The University of Minnesota-Twin Cities</p>

<p>It all depends what you want to study. For biological sciences, UW is way better than U Minn. Chemistry is a lot better too. So is Political Science. In terms of Engineering, especially chem Eng, U Minn may have an edge.</p>

<p>I was thinking something to do with biological sciences, possibly genetics or something like that. When I Google those topics, the UW websites are the first to come up, so I feel like UW is probably the better choice. Thanks for the advice!</p>

<p>For your chosen field, you may also want to look at UC San Diego. Expensive. But very strong in Biosciences.</p>

<p>You also have to consider that this might be a natural reaction to having to choose a college in general. Since there are so many choices, it’s easy to get caught up in which one is the “best choice for you,” and it seems like a very serious, permanent choice that will affect your whole life. However, most students are happy wherever they end up. Only you can make the decision about where to go, but just know that whatever you choose, you’ll probably look back and feel happy about your decision later on. It’s less about “fit” than you think.</p>