So I come from a high school that is on a quarter system so I have less classes and I love it…but why are CSU’s switching it. I don’t understand how your class schedule would work on a weekly basis. Can someone explain this to me? Thanks for the help
The CSU’s will like to keep consistency between campuses among other reasons. See article link:
thank you
The quarter system was dominant in only a few regions of the US: West Coast and Midwest plus a few other schools around the country. It is sort of like Betamax versus VHS: VHS (semesters) is winning.
Quarters go much faster, so that if you don’t understand something or get sick, you’ve missed a lot very quickly and it’s harder to turn around. The pace being much more intense, it favors kids who hit the ground running, are very organized, have good time management skills, and can handle the time crunch or the pressure. It may not apply to the majority of students attending CSUs.
Semesters are more spread out. You take more classes but you have more time to figure things out, go to office hours, take more quizzes, etc. If you realize after six weeks that you’re not keeping up, you still have two months and a half, to catch up, whereas with a quarter you were already basically at half term.