I mean, it seems pretty obvious that the kids who had the chance to take the SAT/ACT will be at an advantage if schools go test-optional, so why not eliminate them from the application to level the playing field. (Speaking as a rising junior who was planning on taking both tests this month)
I think it’s partly because completely eliminating it would be unfair to kids who started earlier and tested in the beginning of their junior year. I know a lot of my friends who are juniors took the SAT in March or before (I go to a competitive school), and they’d be pretty mad if they couldn’t use those scores. I think what’s likely is that they won’t fault you for not having it, but if you did well, it’s a plus.
Those who already have scores from early SAT/ACT testings are probably higher SES students whom colleges want to have apply. But they went test-optional to avoid losing too many applicants to “unable to take the SAT/ACT because of cancellations”.