why c of w&m ranked so high??

<p>No offense to this college
I'm just wondering..
besides marketing, what other programs that are really good?(REALLY good one)
This college is going to be my top5 choice when i apply next year.
Probably will major kinesiology. Any one have knowledge how good their kinesiology is?</p>

<p>I don’t understand rankings at all, so I can’t help you there.</p>

<p>WM has top-notch IR, history, and physics programs. Pretty much everything else is good. I have no idea about kinesiology.</p>

<p>W&M is strong across the board, with excellent placements into graduate schools, and focuses strongly on undergraduate education.</p>

<p>you can look up the info for the Kines major in the course catalog, I can’t speak to that specific program… except that I took Adventure Games and it was excellent.</p>

<p>I took an outdoor leadership course (kinesiology) this last semester, and I had an amazing time. We even went backpacking and camping to the other side of lake Matoaka! That doesn’t help with the more academic side of kinis, but I was surprised when someone from my cross country team back home wanted to go to W&M for its kinis.</p>

<p>Definitely go to [W&M</a> Kinesiology Department | Kinesiology Department](<a href=“http://web.wm.edu/kinesiology/]W&M”>http://web.wm.edu/kinesiology/) to find out more.</p>

<p>William and Mary students have an 80% shot of getting into medical or law school as compared to UVAs 65%.</p>

<p>Its smaller meaning more attention from professors.</p>

<p>Every dept is "really"good. All the students are “really” smart. The campus is gorgeous. What else could you want. Just recognize the teaching students and writing articles are two different skill sets. W&M has faculty the focus on the former. Other larger schools have faculty the publish. One is not better, but publishing draws more publicity, which can be mistaken for quality, esp by an undergrad. Once you get past the hype, the issues become much clearer. Good luck.</p>

<p>go visit, and sit in on a lecture.</p>

<p>Everything will be crystal clear to you</p>

<p>I wondered because William and Mary being high ranked, I found out they don’t receive a lot of applications…not famous at all. And I barely see people apply. This applies to Wake Forest also.</p>

<p>W&M takes in its fair share of applications (11,000+). It is well known in the circles that matter.</p>

<p>Actually, W&M is probably very underrated. They, along with Tufts, Rice, Wake Forest, Georgetown should all be ranked much higher, esp if you look at quality of students and the intangible value of a smaller, teaching U experience.</p>

<p>Not famous at all? I would say W&M’s alumni are pretty prominent. Multiple presidents attended WM and more recent alumni include Jon Stewart and Robert Gates. W&M is the second oldest school in America (1693) and has the first law school in America. In terms of the application numbers, it may be lacking slightly due to Williamsburg (not many people are going to apply here for the surrounding city like they would for lets say USC or NYU) but compared to its peer schools, I’d say its doing fairly well.</p>

<p>Thank you for many replies! I began to love W&M a lot more! Only problem would be the surroundings… I’ve lived my whole life in big cities. Is there anyone like me?? Seems like little boring and quiet place. Let me hear your experiences!</p>

<p>Dont confuse town with campus. Tons if activities are going on all the time on campus. Dont confuse bars with active social life. If thats what you want always have Va Beach/Norfolk/Hampton/Richmond. W’burg is nice oasis of calm, esp when its time to focus on school. Most excitement ever is being chased by police in Gov Palace at midnight while playing squirtgun war.</p>

<p>I’m a sophomore at W&M, and I’d have to say W&M is a top-notch school. All of my professors (save maybe 1 or 2) have been amazing, engaging, inspiring, etc. They care about teaching, and that’s one thing W&M stresses. Everyone I know is either extremely smart, extremely hard-working, or both. There’s always stuff to do on and off campus (though Williamsburg obviously isn’t the greatest place), and I am able to go out at least Thurs-Fri-Sat and still be successful in my courses.</p>

<p>So far, I am a government (political science) and physics major. I would say that from my experience, the best departments (meaning most widely known imo) at W&M are:</p>

International Relations

<p>History attracts many top professors due in part to the historical setting of W&M. The Government department (and I.R.) has many connections for graduates with DC/Capitol Hill (W&M even has an auxiliary campus in DC). I don’t know much about the chemistry department, but I always hear people talking about it and how good it is. And the business school (undergrad) is top-notch, and they are opening a state-of-the-art new school on campus next fall (2009).</p>

<p>The thing is, pretty much every department (English, Psych, Physics, Bio etc.) is strong at W&M, but the above depts are what I would say are the best-known. You said that you were interested in Kinesiology. I haven’t taken any KINES courses, but contrary to common belief, it is actually a very legitimate major at W&M. I don’t know much about it other than my friends saying the classes are deceptively challenging in KINES…</p>

<p>Pre-med and Pre-law, are very popular tracks at W&M, and I know that med schools really like W&M students (for instance, I’ve heard many stories of people getting much lower GPAs, but still getting accepted to med schools because they went to W&M).</p>

<p>Well, these are all my opinions about perception of the different departments/majors, and I’m sure other people have very different views. Overall, I really like W&M, but unfortunately they do not have engineering, which I’ve found is what I ultimately want to do…</p>

<p>Hey but if you have any questions, or anything I’ve said is unclear, just ask me.</p>

<p>Eclipse: I’m not sure if you’ve seen this, but just in case you haven’t - [William</a> & Mary - Combined Degrees: Engineering](<a href=“http://www.wm.edu/as/undergraduate/curriculum/special/engineering/index.php]William”>http://www.wm.edu/as/undergraduate/curriculum/special/engineering/index.php)</p>

<p>It looks very interesting…</p>

<p>As a student at W&M, I can assure you that there is plenty of stuff to do on campus regardless of your interests. There a good variety of clubs and their corresponding social events as well as stereotypical college stuff like fraternity parties etc. I’ll be honest, Williamsburg gets a little old and that may just be for freshmen as we don’t have cars or anything. Sometimes I do wish I could go out and have fun in a more lively off-campus environment but I’ve gotten used to it. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.</p>

<p>And there’s always the bus if you want to get to New Town (which, while technically on the edge of campus, is across Lake Matoaka, which is one if not the first, man made lake in the new world, iirc). New Town is, well, a new housing/shopping complex with a lot of stores and a movie theater - classic suburbia stuff.</p>

I just looked it up, its the oldest in VA in one of the oldest in the new world, along with some other info:
[FactSheet</a> |](<a href=“http://web.wm.edu/environment/kecklab/MatoakaFactSheet.php?svr=www]FactSheet”>http://web.wm.edu/environment/kecklab/MatoakaFactSheet.php?svr=www)</p>

<p>RickVa: Yes, I’ve seen that, it’s the 3:2 engineering plan (which my adviser said usually takes 4:2). However, I would still have to probably major in physics (I would rather be doing engineering right now), and then also there are only three universities on the plan (WashU, Columbia, RPI) which are all very far away.</p>