This past summer, I spent 1-2 hours every day and completed more than 20+ practice tests for my September ACT exam. My score for that exam was a 25. I was devastated at my performance. All I could think about for the next month was how I did so bad. It had been a long-term goal of mine since High School to get into a good college (GPA 3.86), and now it was ruined.
(I know there are going to be some people on here that claim a 25 is a pretty good score, but for how much work I did, I didn’t think so)
I did everything to prepare: I used real previous practice tests, an online prep program ($800 for 1 and a half months), checked my answers and went in-depth about why I got them wrong, and timed myself the exact time for every test. On my practice tests, I was scoring between 29-30 each time.
Eventually, I decided it was just a bad day and I started studying again 2 weeks before the next test. I completed around 3 practice tests this time before the test. I took the test today for the second time, and it was an abomination. I’m 100% sure I did worse this time. It was so difficult, and I started to feel fatigue during science and reading.
Words can’t even explain how disappointed in myself I am. I feel like all I do is study, and I’m not even improving. What makes it worse is that I literally am not affiliated with any person who has a lower score than me, even people who don’t try in school. I know it’s bad to compare yourself with people, because everyone is different, but it’s really hard for me to get passed this. You hear things like “never give up, keep trying and you will succeed!” and “failure is a part of life, don’t let it ruin your spirit,” but after my situation, it’s hard to believe this applies to the ACT.
I’ve already talked with a few friends and my parents on my situation. I’ve come to the conclusion that after a certain point, your score starts to plateau and there’s not much you can do to improve. Test taking skills really come in handy in this test, and test taking is something I’ve never been good at (even though I practiced them a lot). The ACT has made realize that everyone has limits, and sometimes even if you work as hard as you possibly can, if it’s not meant to be then it’s just not meant to be. I know most people can’t relate to my story, but does anyone want comment?