Why Columbia .... Not

<p>It's obvious. He's secretly applying to Columbia, Princeton, etc, and wants to weed out potential competitors. Classic.</p>

<p>oh no you've found my secret. Yes I am a secret agent working for school X to discourgage people from applying to certain schools. You have found me out ..... oh nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. btw. if you look at my posts you'll see that I'm applying to 22 schools and NOT applying to Columbia </p>

<p>I wouldnt even go to columbia if accepted... just not my type of place. I have no incentive to discourage anybody. To the contrary, I encourage all people to apply to as many schools as they can and then pick. The only way one knows if one has a chance is if one applies. But, as stated previously, columbia is NOT my kind of place.</p>

<p>um, i would just like to point out to silver_wavez that Yale is hardly the most isolated ivy, or even near the top. obviously, dartmouth is the most isolated, but princeton is a close second. the actual town of princeton is small, with slightly upscale book and clothing stores, but otherwise near nothing. New Haven is actually rather bustling, and it's a short car ride or train ride away from New York City. Cornell is in the middle of nowhere, too - although the campus is huge, it's in Ithaca. Upstate New York is cold and cold. And away from everything. So, yeah. Defending Yale's honor.</p>

<p>How is Yale isolated? It's urban for one thing, and also close to many other cities...</p>

<p>I support your defense of Yale's honor, becky, lol. :p</p>

<p>eh, I dunno. I mean, Yale isn't exactly isolated...but New Haven isn't exactly the most bustling town in America... or at least, that was the impression I received when I visited.</p>

<p>I agree--especially coming from new york city, New Haven isn't much, but I was actually surprised by how urban it was. There's traffic running across campus, something I didn't expect. And anyway, campus life IS bustling, and that matters more I think.</p>

<p>new HAven is very metropolitan though the airport SUCKS</p>

<p>"being stuck in the middle of nowhere like Yale (I know this one's arguable but STILL)" - that is what i said freckly.</p>

<p>and yeh princeton and cornell are pretty much in the middle of no where too.. but yale isn't exactly in the most happening place either.
and what does it matter if yale isn't the most isolated ivy or not.. i was just trying to a make point.. not trying to insult yale..... chill out</p>