Why Denison

Hi, my daughter is considering to apply Denison for Fall 2023 entry. I read a lot of the parents here mentioned about “Why Denison?” essay prompt. However, I don’t see that question in Comm App. It seems Denison doesn’t ask for any extra essay besides the “one applies for all” prompt in the Comm App. Maybe the school has removed this question this year? Hope any future or current parents can comment on this.

Thank you so much!


The “Why Denison” question is not on the common app, it comes as an email invitation after the app is submitted. It is not required, but recommended to write the essay, and it is submitted through the Denison application portal that gets set up during the process.

The invitation to write the essay went to my son’s promotions folder in his gmail (and mine too since they copy parents on the invitation), so just be sure to check promotions/ Spam folders throughout the process. My son also missed a filtered email from another school that notified him that his decision was waiting! He found out almost a week late since it was filtered out among hundreds of marketing emails from colleges.

I honestly don’t know if they ask everyone to write the essay, or if it tends to go to students who apply RD. We were not able to visit campus prior to his RD application due to Covid protocols at his boarding school, distance and logistics, and his varsity sports schedule. We did attend revisit day, and happy to say that our visit was the deciding factor in his enrollment at Denison!


Thank you @dramakid2 for your comment!

Did your son do the interview? Did the email invitation suggest an interview?


Another Denison parent here. As @dramakid2 says, the optional “Why Denison” essay comes up later in the application process. The interview is something that any applicant can sign up for. Interview Opportunities | Admission & Financial Aid My son interviewed with a recent graduate, and that was helpful in writing the essay as he hadn’t visited the campus yet.


My D did the interview. I don’t know if she received an email invite. It was a Zoom interview with a student she clicked with and it helped her feel that this college would be a good fit for her. She was accepted with good merit aid and I think the interview was a factor.

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Thanks @Mom270 @tkoparent for the comments.

Since my daughter is a shy person, I was worried that the interview would be a disadvantage for her to show her weaknesses. However, after listening to your son/daughter’s experiences, I feel that the interview could possibly be a good opportunity for my daughter to know more about the school’s culture and make her less stressed, rather than at a disadvantage.

Thank you so much for your help!


You don’t have to be an extrovert to do a good interview.

Come up with a system - for example, STAR.

Situation, Task, Action, Results.

Come up with a few ideas -maybe a project you worked on or a team you were part of (or led) or a conflict you had with someone. Or a bad grade you were getting and how you recovered - just so you have thoughts.

Also, a favorite class and why and least favorite and why.

Four or five examples of things. This way, in her mind, if a question is asked, she’ll likely have at least thought of - this might work or might be good. Just a little pre organization.

Listen intently to the questions being asked.

Repeat them back - so my favorite class is…

Try to be concise, eye contact, and they’ll be fine.

Most interviews are neither make or break…but also come with questions - if it’s an alum, about their time at the school, for example.

If it’s on the website, don’t ask it.

No reason not to interview though - she’ll be fine - it likely won’t be the reason she doesn’t get in - unless she curses, wears a t shirt or does something else unprofessional, etc.

Good luck to her.


Thank you @tsbna44!

The most heartfelt and valuable advice on interviews I’ve ever got!

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My son’s not shy, but he was quite nervous ahead of the interview and would have been happy to avoid it. In the end, it was a very positive experience and I think it gave him some new confidence in approaching other types of interview opportunities. @tsbna44 's advice is great. Kids tend to think of interviews as though they are interrogations, and just going through the exercise of thinking about what questions THEY want to ask can help them focus on the fact the interview is also an information-gathering opportunity for the applicant.


True indeed!
Thanks for sharing your son’s experience!

Looks like my son just got the “Why Denison” prompt yesterday, due 2/3/23. He applied RD and has not interviewed (we have one scheduled though during an upcoming campus visit).

Anyone else get this email?

My D did as well. She applied RD. We toured last summer and she had an interview with a student. She really likes Denison and hopes they admit her.

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My son got it too. I read this post a few months ago and warned him another essay was likely.

Last fall a Denison AO visited his high school. Since he was the only one to attend the meeting, it turned into his interview (that was scheduled for that night). He can home very excited about Denison. If he gets in, we will visit.


My D also received the essay request last week. Looks like it’s due by early February. I wonder if everyone receives?

Denison posted on IG today that they received a record 14,000 applications this year! Best of luck to everyone who applied! My son is enjoying his first year at Denison and has made lots of new friends. This week he’s going through Rush for the fraternities - he’s a having a great time.

@Cowlineblur I’m sorry I missed that you had tagged me in a question a few months ago. My son did interview, but he did so in the fall prior to the application deadline. His invitation to submit a “Why Denison” essay was long after he interviewed. We did not have the opportunity to visit campus prior to his acceptance. Travel was still tricky in Fall 2021.


My daughter got accepted ED2 and is so excited. Glad to hear your student is thriving there!


Congratulations to your daughter- very exciting!