Why did I get deferred for EA?

My stats
4.7 WGPA
1520 SAT
12 APs
Founded a club at my school and am the president
Over 300 hours of community service
Part of like 1 million honor societies
There’s a lot more but I’m just so confused how I got deferred.
(Florida resident BTW)

Also national merit scholar. And I’m not naming other ECs bc they’re specific to where I live.

If you applied for financial aid, that reduced your chances --sorry, but you still have a chance!

No one here can tell you why you were deferred. U Miami is a competitive admit, with a below 30% acceptance rate…so there are more good applicants than they can accept.

Talk with you GC, and see if it makes sense for them to call your HS’s AO and have a conversation about you/your application. Meanwhile you should send a letter of continued interest to your U Miami AO…if it’s your number 1 choice and would attend if accepted say that.

But, based on your other thread, it seems UF is your #1 choice? Have you been accepted/deferred/denied elsewhere yet?

I was denied from Duke and accepted into FAU. Other than UF, those are all the schools I applied to.

It sounds like they’re a school that considers more than stats. It’s unfortunate, but not unusual, for students to get deferrals to some schools. Do you have any affordable acceptances?

Does anyone know when the deferred kids find out when and if they are accepted to Miami?

also what percent of kids who are deferred get accepted dow the road?
Lastly I have not heard of any rejections? does Miami not do rejections in EA? anyone know. I do not personally know of any rejections just deferrals…?

What is your major? Some departments, majors, schools within a university have far lower accept rates than the college rates overall. I’ve known plenty of folks who have been surprised by that. Programs like business, engineering, nursing are often called impacted majors because of this.

Also, UMiami, despite its name, wants to be a national university, not a regional, state school. I’m sure many Floridians, especially those living within an hour or two of this school apply to it. Most of those applicants are likely to be the top kids in their respective high schools. I see this with a lot of “favorite son” schools, like Case, CMU, Johns Hopkins where families and students alike want to stay near home. Like you, it may be a second choice school, with the ED app going to a more selective school and the EA being back up. It’s not like Miami is not aware of this.

You’ve gotten good advice on how to deal with this. If Miami is now your first choice, let your GC know, and ask her to get some info for you if possible to you your chances of an acceptance. I think it’s highly likely you will get accepted since your app is still active instead of being withdrawn after the ED season


when you say GC are you talking about the GC at the high school or at University of Miami? Do we even have a assigned Guidance Counselor?