Why did you choose UM?

<p>So I'm writing my final paper for english and I need some answers as to why students decided to attend UM. Thanks to all who contribute.</p>

<p>For me, coming to Miami was about being apart of the tradition of the football program as well as the up and coming academic institution.</p>

<p>I chose UM because #1 it offered me a good scholarship; #2 great diversity (i am an international student by the way); #3 great team spirit in terms of sports; #4 academically challenging; and #5 I just like to explore something new…</p>

<p>It’s a school making great academic strides, given the current state of higher education and the economy I really believe that UM will sky rocket up the rankings in the coming years. I love Miami, I love the idea of being a Cane, it’s a great place to be. If you asked every Harvard, Yale or Princeton student where they’d rather be between Miami and their school if the name of the degree weren’t important I bet most of them would pick UM.</p>

<p>I chose UM pretty much because it had the best courses on offer for me. (History, PoliSci and International Relations - still not sure what I want to do)</p>

<p>That, along with the sport, the people, and LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION! And it’s one of the best places to balance fun with academics.</p>

<p>And then there’s Sebastian… :D</p>

<p>Great scholarshp, hot girls, hot weather, Miami beach</p>

<p>^ typical response from a typical bro going to UM. </p>

<p>I picked UM over other schools because of the pre-med programs and the feeling that I’m a student at the school, not just a number. The clubs I’ve joined like ACS and Amnesty have made such a positive affect on my college experience. Most of the people are Jersey trash and rude, but I’ve met some amazing people and I have an amazing boyfriend. </p>

<p>If you want a school where you’ll be looked at like a piece of weekend ass or a cheat sheet buddy, come here! No one can resist white girl Jersey trash and guys with the intelligence of a 6 year old. Drunks 7 days a week and people that constantly need reality checks… Who wouldn’t love this school!!!</p>

<li>great scholarship, unlike UF, NYU, or USC -___-</li>
<li>5 minutes away from my house, so I don’t have to downgrade to a dorm</li>
<li>Best school in Miami</li>
<li>My boyfriend is in Miami :)</li>

<p>miamigirl99–Welcome to college. Partying and drinking and hooking up are all part of the experience. I don’t know what you expected from college, but no matter if you went to Miami, Harvard, or your local community college, everybody is interested in those 3 things.</p>

<p>Yes my dear, I know. I’ve been here for quiet some time now. No need to welcome me to this lovely world. </p>

<p>I wasn’t even being factious in my last post. Don’t get your feathers ruffled.</p>