Why do colleges ask which schools you're applying to?

<p>Why do colleges ask which schools you're applying to?
-Is it to find out if there's some sort of parallel between all the schools (i.e. see if the student is applying to only LACs, etc)?
-Does it affect the student's application?
-Is it based on fit?
-Is it to see if the college is worried that they are going to be a reach school or a safety school, etc?</p>

<p>I'm not bothered by being asked but I never really got it.</p>

<p>You bet it affects the students application</p>

<p>It's for schools to 1. see who their competition is, 2. to see if you're using them as a safety (in which case they would reject you for it)</p>

<p>I'm going to lie big time when reporting it, colleges have no legal way to check it so its stupid</p>