Why do girls care about height?

<p>OK I know I made another thread, but it was about looks in general. But why do girls care how tall a guy is? In this day in age, if you have a fist fight over a girl, chances are you'll get arrested, a criminal record, no job, and become a loser. Why do girls worry how they "would look" if they went out with a guy shorter than they? Why is being short seen as not as masculine?</p>

<p>Whether it is right or not, it’s a form of attraction…same reasons why guys like better bodies and an attractive face.</p>

<p>OP, no offense, but you’re at midget height. It kinda makes sense… I have issues with this and I’m 5’8/5’9…</p>

<p>lakrosse how tall are you to be complaining about height?</p>

<p>Because women are irrational. :)</p>


<p>conquered any fat chicks lately, napoleon?</p>

<p>napoleon was actually like 5’6". pretty average for his day. looked short because he was always pictured next to imperial guards.</p>

<p>chicks care about height for evolutionary reasons. and yes height does have to do with masculinity.</p>

<p>Invoyable and Miss Silvestris, why can’t a guys body be “better” or “good physique” even if its not tall? Its not like I’m asking about weight or being fat, which is 100% controllable.</p>

<p>dude just chill out and go find a girl who’s like 4’11", jesus. You’re worse than wutangfinancial.</p>

<p>I’m 5’9" haven’t had a problem</p>

<p>I must tell you something, son. Something very important that I’m surprised you haven’t figured out in all your 18ish years of life: attractiveness standards are not based on what you can control! Seriously dude? All people care about is the end result, people who are naturally inclined to be fit, tall, and well-proportioned just have it easier. No, it’s not fair but that’s how it is.</p>

<p>And you seem to have severe fat-phobia or something. Seriously, MOST people are fat because of lifestyle choices but a small minority aren’t so ‘100%’ isn’t exactly accurate. And you have sort of a round face; do you consider that as being ‘fat’ as well?</p>



<p>Awww, ickle newb. You haven’t hung around here much have you? :)</p>


As I’ve said, it’s not that you “can’t”, that’s how our society is…being “good-looking” also isn’t controllable, but a lot of us place an emphasis on that.</p>

<p>“I’m 5’9” haven’t had a problem"</p>

<p>I’m 5’9.5" and I haven’t had a problem either…I guess that’s one thing I should be happy about as I can’t do anything to change it.</p>

<p>Yeah, I’d prefer a guy who’s slightly taller, but honestly super tall guys can be intimidating. I’d date a guy a few inches shorter than me if he has a good personality. It’s not that big of a deal. (besides, I’d never have to wear uncomfortable heels. ;])</p>

<p>why do guys care about how tall a girl is then? see the thread on ideal female height</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-confidential-cafe/642794-ideal-female-height.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-confidential-cafe/642794-ideal-female-height.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Lmao, that’s the one I made for the lulz as a satire to the “male version”…it’s still there?</p>


To girls, it’s more attractive when a guy is taller. Having more height is viewed as a masculine trait, so the taller the guy is, the better. Also, women might prefer taller men because they want their children (more importantly, sons) to be as tall as possible.

5’9" is considered average and is not short, so you’re not going to have problems most of the time. Most women are below 5’8" anyway, which makes you taller in most cases. Being average might even be good if you like short women, so really, you can date girls of any height if you’re a guy of average height.

This reinforces my previous point of the benefits of being average; some girls prefer guys who aren’t tall.
<a href=“besides,%20I’d%20never%20have%20to%20wear%20uncomfortable%20heels.%20;%5D”>quote=Blackroses216</a>

But guys love it when girls wear heels :slight_smile: And it’s not because it lowers the height difference ;)</p>

<p>[Why</a> Do Women All Seem to Want Taller Men? - Personals.aol.com/articles](<a href=“http://personals.aol.com/articles/2009/02/12/why-do-women-all-seem-to-want-taller-men/]Why”>http://personals.aol.com/articles/2009/02/12/why-do-women-all-seem-to-want-taller-men/)</p>

<p>Hmm…I’m a 5’4 senior male in high school. **** my life.</p>

<p>Lakrosse, you wanna know why you can’t get girls? It’s not cause you’re short, it’s cause you’re a whiny little brat! Yeah, I said it. Women are repelled by Wahh-wahh babies who cry about their looks. </p>

<p>Why do men prefer women who are tall, slender, with big boobs, a small nose, full lips, hourglass figure, nice hair? Because it’s attractive, that’s why. So stop complaining! You make fun of fat women and constantly whine about being short. Get over yourself. </p>

<p>Why do women want taller men? Because women are 5’4 on average and men are 5’9.5, so we expect men to be taller. Being a 5’2" guy is like being a 4’8.5" woman, so just date a girl around that size or taller - there are tons of women your height and shorter! it’s not like you’re a midget. </p>

<p>Seriously, you don’t have a lot to complain about so shut up. It’s not like you’re dying of cancer or have a chronic illness - you’re a healthy athlete! Be grateful for what you have. I’m 5’1" and I don’t complain like you. Everyone has something they want to change about themselves, but you’re beyond insecure.</p>