why do so few apply to Cooper Union???

<p>I understand that Cooper Union is a tiny school with tough admission stats - but for a top ranked Engineering program with free tuition for all applicants, why don't more people apply there? Only about 800 apply for 100 spots with ~200 offered admission offers. </p>

<p>I had my S apply figuring at worse we lose another application fee, but the upside potential was huge.</p>

<p>I did an internship at cooper union and I could give ya a few reasons why I didn't apply there for my engineering major.
1) the (nonexistant) campus - the schools is basically four corners of an intersection in downtown nyc
2) the school seems to be steadily going bankrupt...the parts I've seen of the school are not well kept at all
3) it's not a free ride - only the tuition is paid, students still have to pay for room and board (which is not cheap in nyc) and books
4) there are only three real career paths to go for at cooper, engineering, art, and architecture: statistically, more than half of the students that start out engineering do not keep that as their major - and if the kid isnt into art or architecture, he will have to transfer</p>