Why do the ucs require u to list all community colleg courses? can't uchoose not to?

<p>Will the colleges find out if u didnt list ur community college courses?</p>

<p>Yes, they will find out when you send your community college transcript after acceptance, which you are required to do. It is always required to submit all college work attempted when you apply to a college. Always. To fail to do so is grounds for rescinded admission, expulsion, and revocation of degrees. Twenty years later if you apply to a graduate program you will be sending that same community college transcript.</p>

<p>hmm i see, is their a particular reason why they would want u to list extra community college courses that you only took for enrichment? Because what if the community college courses are factored into your gpa and u do not want that… I took community college courses in english, which is nontransferable and I did not do so well in it because I just took it for fun back in 10th grade…</p>

<p>The particular reason is that they don’t allow applicants to pick and choose to report only classes that make it “look” as though their GPA is better than it is. Whether the class is transferrable or not does not matter - they expect, for example, that remedial community college courses are reported, and yes, they will probably be calculated with your GPA.</p>

<p>If these were not regular community college courses - part of a special high school program or extension program that does not appear on the transcript, for example, - then they would not need to be reported. But if they were regular courses that regular community college students would enroll in and appear with a grade on a transcript, that transcript must be submitted upon acceptance to a UC.</p>

<p>alright,so the summer before my freshman year, I took geometry at my local community college and received a C. But the class was not UC/CSU units transferable and never made it to my high school transcript. And the only way the C makes it to my high school transcript is if I request a transcript from my community college to bring it back to my high school. So how would the UC’s find out?</p>

<p>UC does not care about basketweaving or PE or intro to photograph (unless VAPA) if taken at a HS or community college. </p>

<p>ALL a-g courses must be listed on your UC app. Can they find out if you don’t list Geom? Sure, but extremely unlikely. So the question really is: are you ethically-challenged? (And the obvious answer is yes, since you are asking the question.)</p>

<p>So even though the geometry course was not uc transferable, I’d still be required to put it in the app?</p>

<p>bump bump bump</p>

<p>I want to submit tonight!</p>

<p>ahh,forget it. I’m just going to include my summer course. Then ill have a clean conscience throughout the year. UCr here I come!</p>