<p>Hey. A friend of mine informed me that he wanted to become an attorney. It was rather random, and completely shocking. He has never shown interest in anything law-related. His entire focus, actually, was math. So, I came to remember myself at the age of 8 wanting to go to law school, and I wondered where that dream went.</p>
<p>That being said, why is going to law school your dream? If it isn't your dream, then why do you want to go to law school? What about it is appealing?</p>
<p>because i want to be a lawyer! i've worked in various areas (policy advocacy, direct service, legal, etc) of a certain field for a while and see plenty of opportunities for people who went to law school to do rewarding work.</p>
<p>plus, my abilities match well with what's required to get into and go through law school (and hopefully with practicing law!). the fact that if I decide that earning a lot of money is important, that I can do so, is certainly a plus.</p>
<p>tom hanks, in philadelphia, put it best:
when asked why he loved law, he replied, "every now and again - not often, but occasionally - you get to be a part of justice being done. That really is quite a thrill when that happens."
tocqueville, in democracy in america, said that lawyers are aristocrats -- they are citizens who indirectly affect public policy and laws.</p>