<p>With all the money we pay them for literally everything, can't they not manage to screw up AP grades and SATs? I mean it's come to a point, I think, that when you get a score that you''re somewhat sure you shouldn't have gotten, you're starting to doubt whether CB is right or not. Their process should be accurate enough that people can rely on the first score they get.</p>
<p>Any particular mistakes in mind?</p>
<p>Well CB is a huge company that caters to so many students. Also they don't really have a way to keep track of all its students.</p>
<p>But actually I am wondering if the SAT late scores are a fault of CB or is on purpose.</p>
<p>Personally, I think TCB should do computer based testing. This would allow several things:</p>
<li>No computer error(only possible error is accidentally clicking the wrong thing)</li>
<li>Instant score reporting for SATII tests(since they are all multiple choice)</li>
<li>Significantly faster reporting for SATI tests(possibly within 5 days, if not sooner, as the tests wouldn't have to be shipped to the scoring facility, nor would they have to scan in the essays)</li>
<li>Increased reporting with AP tests(the MC could be administered on a computer, so only the free response would need to be shipped and graded)</li>
<p>Will this happen? Probably not, due to cheating concerns and lack of computer availability. But it sure would save a lot of time, headaches, and paper(over 1 million people take the SAT each year and the test booklet has to be 20+ pages at least).</p>
<p>They do do computer-based testing, for the GRE. There must be some reason they don't want it for the SAT's. Maybe because they can't assume all high school students know how to use a computer?</p>
<p>^^ Ha, we're not THAT dumb.</p>
<p>I'm actually kind of fed up with College Board. I hear things about AP scores getting so messed up that people actually have to pay to get their tests rescored. This honestly makes no sense to me. If they graded a test wrong- a test you paid about $84 dollars for-how on Earth can they charge you $25 or $50 to get it rescored (I'm not exactly sure how much it costs)? Shouldn't it be their responsibility to ensure that grades are correct when they first send them out?
I understand that they are a huge company that caters to so many students, but I honestly wouldn't mind a longer wait if it would ensure that my scores are all correct. I know that not everyone feels this way, but I seriously think something needs to be done.</p>
<p>Darn monopolies!! Haha, just kidding.</p>
<p>^^ I totally agree. I wouldn't mind waiting an extra week or two if they would just correct everything the right damn way the first time.</p>
Well, I have to wait longer since my exam is still being completed (I took it on the REGULAR date). It said it would be available in three more weeks! How pathetic................</p>
<p>CB Sucks!!!!!</p>
<p>andoverchick: well, you have to realize that TCB has limited resources. If they offered a hand rescore service for free, you'd bet that at least 50% of the people taking the test would request it, just to see if their score would increase. This would mean hand grading 500,000 tests per year alone in SATs. Imagine how many people TCB would have to hire to do this. They'd have to hire thousands(ok, maybe hundreds) of employees just to do this alone. You complain about an $84 test. The test would likely soar to above $200 if they offered it for free.</p>
<p>Also, they DO refund your money if they find a mistake, which is fair. Imo, they might want to refund the test fee as well for the trouble it caused you.</p>
<p>The high rescore fee isn't there so that TCB can make more money off you. In order for them to do this, they have to dig through their warehouse for your paper(imagine how huge it must be, with them retaining tests for ~5 years and having millions of people taking the SAT and hundreds of thousands of AP tests), then take out a template and overlay it., and have someone hand grade it. Then they have to put the test back into the warehouse and (if any mistakes are found), update your score. All in all, $50 is not a bad price to pay for this service.</p>
<p>urg i hate computer based tests. I can't concentrate as well. lol</p>
<p>Ugh. CollegeBoard is a moneymonger. What do you say, y'all? Let's gather up some cleaners and erasers and go ahead and erase the Board.</p>
<p>^ rofl </p>
<p>Does anyone know if THAT is why my AP scores have not arrived yet? All of my friends have gotten theirs but I haven't.
I've gotten nothing whatsoever in the mail about my AP scores and I'm getting really impatient.</p>
<p>Yes, Jenz, let's do it. Haha.</p>