Why does everyone have ADD?

<p>I definitely agree with your mom, CLeighDrie. Although both of my siblings have ADHD and I still notice some of the characteristics of it in myself, I don't "officially" have ADHD and don't really have any problems from it. I'm all for people who are truly affected by ADHD(or any learning disorder) getting the help that they need, but I do get the feelings that a number of people use it as an excuse when it really shouldn't be. </p>

<p>And can we ever discuss the SAT or anything about learning aptitudes without someone declaring that everyone who doesn't think the SAT (and for that matter all other tests) should be abolished is biased because they "got a good score on the SAT." ?!</p>

<p>And yes, I know the next post will be "shows you got a good score on the SAT."</p>

<p>Oops, just to add something:</p>

<p>marny1: If you really suspect your daughter might have a learning disorder, that's something you should have tested as soon as possible, not after she takes tests or starts applying to colleges. If she needs accommodations, you don't want her to suffer through the agony of taking the SAT/ACT without the help she needs, or any other work for that matter.</p>

<p>Also, colleges can't discriminate on the basis of disability, and they won't even know she has one (if she does) unless she personally chooses to disclose it. If she has a disability, she needs to pick a college with a good disability services program available to her. You don't want her to go somewhere and then find out it's a terrible match for her when it comes to testing, assignments, and the like.</p>

<p>It's definitely not something to leave until the last minute. If it's something you really are concerned about, I recommend making an appointment as soon as possible.</p>

<p>CLeighDrie- What your mom says sounds reasonable. My d is a fine student-strong B+ average-National Honor Society. But I do know that reading comprehension (through National testing criteria) has been particularly weak. She does fine in her regular English classes as well as getting a 91 on NYS English Regent. I guess that is why I never felt compelled to have her tested or tried to get any reasonable accomodation--because she is a fine student. BUT!! I do think she may always have trouble with long standardized tests. So if she decides to go into certain professions that might require testing, (like teaching-accounting etc). This issue might be a factor. It may be worth our while to find out if certain "learning techniques" may be helpful to her. If we pursue it, we will do it before she starts college. Anyway this is becoming an interesting topic- (barring the snide comments of kids who think all we're asking is for extra time on a test). As I said- the last think my d wants is one minute more for the SAT test. She wants to complete the test ASAP.</p>

<p>Hi Beginning- our thoughts "crossed" one another. The main reason I may wait a bit, is because the college application process can be a very trying time. To have her tested now, may add to her insecurities and she may think I am doubting her abilities. Again she is a fine student-She did well in Chemistry and her Math B regent. (Hey, I failed my Chem regent many moons ago) She is able to handle her regular studies in a great manner. and her 89 average and Nat'l Honor Society status allows me to feel, that I can wait until the stress of college applications is over. I feel comfortable with this decision.</p>

<p>That makes sense. :) I definitely wasn't trying to tell you how to raise your daughter or anything like that. I just know how helpful accommodations have been for me, so I like to encourage others who might need them to consider getting tested. Congrats on raising a bright girl!</p>

<p>to quote grad'06: "shows you got a good score on sat"</p>

<p>I'm doing this to tick ExRunnner off. It's amusing.</p>

<p>Aw man, I didn't take the SATs or ACTs. Do I still get to participate in the fun? ;)</p>

<p>What does the ACT have on it anyway? Never heard of it until I came to CC several years ago (the old CC boards I mean).</p>

<p>bluealien01 you have no life go home.</p>

<p>I'll do what I want. @@</p>

<p>I've figured it out. You all (and I, untill now) don't appreciate bluealien's sarcastic satire.</p>

<p>Shows you got a good score on sat.</p>

<p>Shut Up!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>Grad'06, I think someone has a crush on you...</p>

<p>Shows you got a good score on sat.</p>

<p>Thanks, I was satisfied with it.</p>

<p>You shut up.</p>

<p>Sorry hunny, I only like men ages 30+.</p>

<p>No one with ADD needs extra accomindations on the SAT or any other exam. It is pure nonsense. I have severe ADD and never did I feel I needed extra accomindations to do my SATs.</p>