Why does my Fafsa have blanks?

<p>When I filled in the fafsa in Jan, I filled in every section but when I went to look again, after it was all processed and we had done the IRS Data retrieval tool, spaces that I had put numbers in are now blank. For example, the balance of checking, savings account didn't orginally have much but it did have $5,000 and now there is nothing there. I NEVER erased it so what happened and is this trouble?</p>

<p>I don’t know if fafsa does this but was your AGI low enough to qualify for auto 0 or simplified means test? Were you eligible to file a 1040ez or 1040a? Maybe it wiped the asset fields out as irrelevant?</p>

<p>Thanks for your reply, annoyingdad. No, we didn’t qualify for an auto 0 Efc or the simplified needs test. We filed a 1040 but my assets were low for our age and fell under the limit for “protected” and on the fafsa worksheet, there was no amount toward of assets applied toward the efc so that must be it. Still, it was shocking to see those blank spaces when I had carefully filled everything out!</p>