Why doesn't Loyola University of Chicago let you transfer out?

I am from Elk Grove Illinois. I attended Loyola University of Chicago because they helped me quite a bit with finances and knowing it was a good name school I decided to go there for my first 2 years then transfer to The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I triple checked with my admissions counselor and the chair of my major which is Sociology in the College of Arts and Sciences. Nevertheless I began school at LUC and I did good I had a 3.7 GPA after 2 years which is mostly A’s and some B’s and when it was time for me to fill out my transfer form they would not let me do it. They kept asking me for more and more criteria like an absurd number of essays, college recommendations, outside work experience, community service, 60 credits, Statement of goodstanding from the Dean and more. It seemed like they were attempting to make things impossible for me which they did. When I finally met all of my requirements, they still denied me because my GPA was not high enough yet I was near the top of my class. Loyola does this because they give so many grants and scholarships that if they lose students they lose on a lot of money. Being a private school means they are not state funded and being a smaller school means they need the small population of students to all stay for the 4 years and pay. Which each year they make it more and more expensive. I would not recommend LUC at all if you are looking to transfer, it is an okay school other than that. If you are looking for a school in Chicago I would suggest DePaul or UChicago. If I would have known this I would have gone striaight to UIUC.

This is very confusing. These are fairly typical requests from a college you are transferring to. I think you are blaming the wrong school.

I have never heard of Loyola Chicago not letting students transfer out. That sounds absurd. All I found on this subject was a bog-standard “Transfer Out” form. And on Loyola’s website, I find none of these requirements on their website.

Another contradiction is that letting a student to whom they gave lots of scholarships would lose them lots of money…

UIUC is the university that decides on what documents, papers, essays, recommendations, etc, they want, what pre-requisites you need… Ask UIUC not Loyola.

I am actually in the process of transferring and did not run into any issues anywhere along the way on Loyola’s side, or anywhere else for that matter. There are a lot of requirements schools like to see before they admit you to transfer, but it makes sense because they want to make sure everyone they admit would be a good fit for their school. I’m sorry you had a poor experience trying to transfer- feel free to message me if you have any questions.

You were denied by UIUC. Loyola is not the problem. The fact that you can’t understand this indicates that there is another issue here.