Why doesn't USA have an IGEO team?

<p><a href=“http://www.geoolympiad.org/what_is_igeo/[/url]”>http://www.geoolympiad.org/what_is_igeo/</a></p>

<p>…participating countries were:</p>

<li>The Netherlands</li>
<li>Czech Republic</li>

<li>South Africa</li>

<p>Out of curiosity -
Does anyone have any info on Geography Olympiad? The only relevant info I found on google was the National Geographic Bee for middle schoolers but that’s not the same as International Geography Olympiad which is for 15-19 year olds.</p>

<p>well kind of off topic but i have a friend that knows the capital to every country :P</p>

<p>The US will have a team for the first time this year! usgeochallenge.com</p>

<p>David Madden of National History Bee/Bowl fame created a qualifying test for the purpose of sending an American team to the Olympiad this year. Anyone can take the test at a NHB competition as long as they’re an appropriate age: [The</a> Quizbowl Resource Center • View topic - Announcing The United States Geography Challenge](<a href=“Announcing The United States Geography Challenge - The Quizbowl Resource Center”>Announcing The United States Geography Challenge - The Quizbowl Resource Center)</p>