Why haven't I heard from San Jose State?

<p>I applied for San Jose State University, part of the California State University system, the day that admissions started. I got my mySJSU (login thing for the school) right after, and I check it every day, and I still haven't heard anything. Their spring break just started, so I doubt I will hear anything this week. Everyone else I talk to has heard from all of their Cal state schools weeks ago. </p>

<p>Also, I looked at some dates, and they have an accepted undergrads day on april 17th!! It seems like I'm never going to hear from them</p>

<p>Someone help me</p>

<p>Is there a SJSU online portal that would let you know? Do you have an email acct with them? Will the portal show anything that suggests a deposit is due soon or an FA package has been made for you?</p>

<p>I was going to suggest you call them but you wrote they are on spring break. Try and call anyway…maybe someone is answering the phone. But if not, call the first day they are back. </p>

<p>My S heard from SJSU and has communications from them through the portal but he is in the local service area. Does your portal say something like “still under review?”</p>

<p>bro they might be just about done sending their acceptance letter… sorry man what were your stats and major?</p>

<p>Yes, the portal still says “Incomplete” then “No To-Do Items”, which means it is still under review. </p>

<p>3.6 gpa, 1860 SAT, and I’m not in the San Jose area (if that makes a difference)
and I applied for the animation/illustration major</p>

<p>Your stats seem strong. I think the local service area students might hear before the others. SJSU guarantees local area students that are eligible get admitted. So maybe what is happening is the out-of-area students have to wait a bit longer. I’m not sure though as all the students I know that have been admitted to SJSU are local.</p>

<p>Keep trying to contact them and I think you will hear soon. Tomorrow is 4/1 and isn’t that typically the last day to be notified? Maybe you will hear today or tomorrow. I know the waiting is hard.</p>