Why impaction threashold of computer science at SJSU became suddenly lower after 2020?

When I looked at the freshman impaction results by major at SJSU, computer science was 4825 in fall 2020, but in 2021 it dropped to 3400, and now 3440 in 2023. Why the popularity of CS major at SJSU declined so drastically? Does anyone know any reason?

The impaction index calculation use to include ACT or SAT scores. They modified the calculation after the Cal states went test blind.

The impaction index was called the eligibility index and all Cal states used the calculation to determine whom would be admitted.

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Thanks for the reply. I now understand one big reason for the overall decline in points.
When my kid applied back in 2020, CS was the most competitive major at SJSU, but it looks like software enginnering is far more impacted now with score of 4200. I’m still curious to know the reason.

CS is still heavily impacted and still the hardest major to be admitted. CS is not in the College of Engineering like SE so the impaction index does not include the Math GPA which makes the CS index threshold lower than SE but not less competitive.

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Thank again for the quick response.
Looks like it really has changed since 2020. I was aware that CS is not in enginnering department thus how to calculate for math gpa was different but was not aware that there is more to it. I’ll look into the calculation. I really appreciated your reply which helped me clear my confusion.

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