why is ap euro hard?

<p>is this harder than world and us history AP?</p>

<p>maybe b/c it's a combo of the two extremes? USH is a small period of time and is a lot more fact based. World is a very large period of time that is more trend-based. Euro is sort of a combo between facts and some general trends as well (although it leans towards the fact side). Maybe that makes it hard? I don't think it is significantly harder than world or us, tho'. In fact, it might be easier than, say, APUSH.</p>

<p>I think it is harder than US history. Alot more to cover and not much of a cultural identification or foundation to base it on.</p>

<p>Yeah, I think the reason why Euro seems to be harder for us is the same reason why US seems to be harder for international students. We just haven't been really immersed in European history, whereas we learn about US History from kindergarten. Plus, a lot of the names are weird and Europeans seem to have this strange obsession with naming their children after them...hence Louis the millionth. haha:-) Beyond that, I don't think that it's really meant to be harder than US.</p>

<p>Yeah. A I guess by the time an US student gets to 11th grade, a lot of USH is common knowledge.</p>

<p>I agree with the fact that Euro is harder because it's not one country. It's tons of countries. And at times they're completley separate and at times they're so intertwined and then they break apart and combine with others and there's a million wars, some important and some not. I think overall it's just a LOT more information than US history. However after WWI when the US is important in Euro, the two courses overlap a lot. I never took AP World but I assume that there's overlap in all three courses...</p>

<p>there should be an AP Asian History</p>

<p>^that was off topic^</p>