Why is Chemical Engineering Ranked so High at UW-Madison?

I am applying to UW for Chemical Engineering because it is ranked so high and I really love the campus/student life. I am curious of why it is ranked so high though. Do they have some special programs? Do they work with chemical companies around them? Thanks.

I know the Chemistry department is very highly ranked, as is engineering in general. It makes sense for Chem E to be so. . UW is an overall excellent institution. I still get my annual Badger Chemist as I got my undergrad degree with that major eons ago. At UW you get the benefits of an excellent research chemistry department plus one that is also a leader in chemical education.

Big research U’s do not work with any private sector companies- they do it on their own. A UW-Madison degree would get you jobs in places far from the region.

You will find excellent math, physics, chemistry and computer science in addition to your engineering classes.