Why is UCR always looked down upon?

<p>Hi everyone,
Just curious, why do people look down on UC Riverside so much as compared to other UC’s. Some people have said that some cal states are better. Is the standard of education not very high at this school or is just the atmosphere. I’ve heard that the Riverside area is pretty smelly and it’s in the “ghetto”, but these factors don’t really have a whole lot to do with the school itself in my opinion. What worries me is that almost everyone I know has gotten into UCR (even complete dummies) and they are still asking for advertising for more applicants. Does this say that the school is just easy to get into or does this show that the standard of education is low?Are the professors and teachers good at the school and would a degree from UCR have some value in the real world? I mean they are coming up with a medical school, aren’t they?</p>


<p>I think because of the fact that UCR accepts anyone who basically meets the minimum requirements, there's not much of a competitive environment. The location of the school also dosen't appeal to students as say UCSB, UCSD, or UCLA would.</p>

<p>I've always seen UCR as the back-up of back-up schools. I have personally never met anyone who dreamt of going to UCR.. They only end up there when they have absolutely no more options and it's left to either UCR or CSU's.</p>

<p>On a board full of elitists, its going to get picked apart.</p>

<p>ucr is a great institution but its ranked below other uc's and some csu's is harder to get into than ucr like cal poly slo, sdsu, etc.</p>

<p>they accept some many ppl because many use it as a back up so they gotta overaccept since most applicants wont be going anyways. same situation ucm is in right now.</p>

<p>It's probably because of the city of Riverside. Collegemom said that the area is bad.</p>

<p>I think it's the location. Every other UC has something unique about the location it's in or is near something. It also gets compared alot to CSU's because it's a commuter school.</p>

<p>Riverside isn't really ugly, its actually a pretty town, its under construction alot though.. the valedictorian of my school applied to ucr only and is gonna go there so its not always a back-up. it does have a lot to offer, especially if interested in business</p>

<p>Thanks for the input and responses. But is the education, degree, educational opportunities/experience, professors, etc. "bad" compared to other UC's. In other words, would this institution deliver a standard UC education just because its not competitive? I'm interested in becoming a nurse (or possibly a doctor), would the teaching experience be worse at Riverside just because of its location? I live around Anaheim Hills (the 91 freeway is just a few minutes from me), so commuting is the best option for me. My top priority is to get a decent education that will prepare me for my future career, and possibly the MCAT. </p>


<p>ooo doesn't UC Riverside have like around a 75% acceptance rate? it's a really easy school to get into. i'm not sure about the professors and stuff there but i know four people that've gone there and 2 dropped out b/c they hated it so much. umm..technically it's not located in the gettos. I heard it somewhat in between. On one side is the rich area/ suburbia while the otherside is the gettos. and i heard it smells really bad.</p>

<p>"ucr is a great institution but its ranked below other uc's and some csu's is harder to get into than ucr like cal poly slo, sdsu, etc.</p>

<p>they accept some many ppl because many use it as a back up so they gotta overaccept since most applicants wont be going anyways. same situation ucm is in right now."</p>

<p>Do you have stats showing UCR is easier to get into?</p>

<p>I heard UCR has hookers on the streets at night. That could be a good or bad thing depending on the student. </p>

<p>Crepes are pretty good though. Recommended if you ever visit UCR.</p>

<p>I have no idea what the UCM campus is like, but it might have a better shot of becoming more popular than UCR if it can become a cool college town like UCD.</p>

<p>Well, I do enjoy crepes! :) But can anyone answer how good/skilled are the professors at UCR? I want to be well prepared to tackle nursing, or possibly the MCAT and Medical School requirements.</p>


<p>UCR accepts so many people because they are trying to grow. Within the next 5-7 years, acceptance rates will drop significantly if they are able to get to their goal population. </p>

<p>Professors are from prestigious backgrounds just like any other UC. Some may even feel it surprising the number of UC Chicagao PhD's and Michigan grads that are professors at CSU campuses</p>

<p>The area has over 350 gangs. Have i ever been bothered by them...no. Only relevant event to UCR was the shooting and robbery of an elderly man a few months ago.</p>

<p>I got off the freeway at Merced saw 10 hobos..... Trashed up houses... it was like the Ghetto....WORSE.... Then drove about 10 minutes into the middle of nowhere, random farms, lot of farms, some nice houses in the middle of a farm... then bad. UC Merced.... 4 Buildings, 1 under construction no one outside..... What kind of professor, in their right mind would want to live there? Drove away as quickly as possible, entered an Ok part of the Town kinda like Davis, but bad impression and the school is way too small in the middle of no where. However, nice new cool looking buildings</p>

<p>I should add that most people who go to UCR hate their school.</p>

<p>what an idiotic statement. What a presumptuous person you are. You speak on behalf of something you do not know.</p>

<p>Ya seriously wth is that? You probably know one guy that says he hates it but that does not accurately portray the student population as a whole does it? Unless you actually have some hardcore evidence which you don't dont make assumptions or statements of opinion. Just look at UCR's peer ratings...</p>

<p>Actually, UCR is on the pricetone review for the most unhappy students.</p>

<p>for a school i have come to respect, but not necessarily like, i would have to say that the survey takes to little into account, or that the people that they are surveying is not being done properly. I am not whiz with statistics, so how it should be done is beyond me. I can say i know probably 30 people that went to UCR from my old high school that were part of my graduating class. All but one have been happy with the school. Riverside "grew" on them. The one that did not like it went off to UCLA. But this also negates the people that i have met there that do enjoy it. Everyone that i have met, they people that did not like it have left. Talking to them afterwards (when they have had a quarter under their belt at UCLA, UCSD and UCSB) they remark that it really wasn't that bad. Restraunt selection however cannot compare to what is around UCLA. YUM YUM</p>