Why is UCR always looked down upon?

what an idiotic statement.


<p>Would you care to elaborate how my statement is idotic? </p>

What a presumptuous person you are.


<p>Irony? </p>

You speak on behalf of something you do not know.


<p>I said of people I DO KNOW, most do not like UCR. </p>


for a school i have come to respect, but not necessarily like, i would have to say that the survey takes to little into account, or that the people that they are surveying is not being done properly.


<p>Are you saying the stats are fake? Evidence please.</p>

I am not whiz with statistics, so how it should be done is beyond me.



But this also negates the people that i have met there that do enjoy it.


<p>Does that also negates the people you haven't met who hate it?</p>

Everyone that i have met, they people that did not like it have left.


<p>Sorry, couldn't figure out this sentence.</p>

I should add that most people who go to UCR hate their school.


<p>Please tell me where in this statement you state that this is reflective of people you know?</p>

<p>Its late, i am tired, and posting in between writing essays. You should be able to pick out my errors in those last two quotes and understand what i said. </p>

<p>Your statement was idiotic for noted reasons, i do not need to elaborate. And in no way did i say the stats were fake. I already pointed out what i thought may be the problem (specifically, i gave two reasons). Reading my last post again should clear that up for you</p>

<p>Yes UCR is 12th on the list of colleges with the "least happy" students. First of all, these rankings, especially this category, have been debated many times due to their obvious subjectivity. Of course there is reason for this ranking, there are people at UCR who are unhappy with their being here; a lot of people wish there was more partying and less studying here. Too bad for them eh? Whatever, they get weeded out.</p>

<p>In the end the PR is just another form of trying to measure something typically unmeasurable, using quantitative methods that they can process and then sell to consumers as a functional tool. Its like the SAT and measuring intelligence, flawed at best. </p>

<p>Oh and to answer why UCR is often looked down upon:
Its because its usually ignorant teenagers who are doing the talking, people who really have no solid basis for their words and are often the victims of their own self-fulfilling-prophecy when it comes to their judgments. </p>

<p>To reiterate this idea, I have NEVER heard a bad thing about UCR from any working adult in my life, people who have had enough life experience to understand the value of an education.</p>

<p>Nice post Seiken. In fairness to UCR, I'll also add that, UCR is not looked down upon among more matured college students.</p>

<p>Southpasadena, you're an idiot. I've already noted why you are. Please reread everything I've posted on CC, then you'll understand why.</p>

On a board full of elitists, its going to get picked apart.


<p>I would add…on a board of INSECURE elitists. Only insecure fxxks dump on other colleges…end of story!!</p>


To reiterate this idea, I have NEVER heard a bad thing about UCR from any working adult in my life, people who have had enough life experience to understand the value of an education


<p>Actually i have found many that look down upon UCR. However these are people that went to prestigious universities and ended working retail. They are most likely bitter.</p>

<p>Worriedsenior, please grow up a little. You noted nothing, if you feel like saying something properly, go ahead and do so.</p>

<p>I've always wondered how the PR can rank things like that, and how the surveys are given. </p>

<p>I'm going to UCR. I've visited the campus a couple of times, and liked it. I also talked to several students I saw and they were also happy here. Sure, its not like SB where you have the beach right there, or USC where you have a power house football team, but I have no one to blame but myself for not getting into said schools.</p>

<p>One of the things that I learned in boy scouts (yes, go ahead and laugh) is to make the best of the situation, and I will be doing so at UCR. I just don't know why people love to talk down about other colleges so much (sports rivlaries aside :) ) because in the end, it doesn't really do anything for them.</p>

<p>I'm extremely happy being at UCR and feel as though I have grown and matured as a person here. I've met some people who are students there who say they had reservations about attending the school at first, but by the time they graduate they do nothing but talk about how wonderful school has been. Is everyone happy and satisfied? I wouldn't imagine that in a school with over 15,000 people that everyone is happy, but you'll find that anywhere. Remember as well that negative statements and comments seem to be remembered long past positive ones.</p>

<p>I used to like UCR, until they came they were bragging about their Thomas Heider program and how good they are in pre-med and stuff. Yeah they have a med school.. but it isnt established until 2012. Now i find out that because of their med school, they are wiping out the program for people graduating in 2011. I think that it is mean to be lying like that to us.</p>

<p>It isnt exactly lying.. this was a very recent and abrupt decision, and I doubt everybody on campus knew about the issue, so they just kept spreading the knowledge. We still do have a very strong premed program, although I would say it might lose some competition in the next few years.</p>

<p>Has the med school been approved all the way yet? If it hasn't, then that might be a reason that there has been no official word on anything yet.</p>

<p>Why are we taking PR rankings worth anything at all -_-;; The people that take surveys usually don't like the school anyway, so it would just accumulate the ill feeling of an unrepresentative segment of the school's population. </p>

<p>I don't like Riverside because of the prejudices my parents instilled on me about school, but I've come to realize there is nothing wrong with a lot of schools. Riverside is relatively new, and rankings care way too much on a lot of things that it can't possibly compete with. The US News Ranking system places emphasis on 2 things that I find highly unfair: endowment and name recognition. UCR can't possibly compete with schools that have been established for many a decade or even many a century when it comes to endowments, and name recognition is grossly unfair since it's directly related to the rankings themselves, thus perpetuating the supposed high ranking of some schools while preventing other schools from reaching the top. </p>

<p>But at the same time, I would have to agree that there is a large mentality that Riverside constitutes a back up of back up schools in most people's perceptions. The high acceptance rate almost seems to speak for itself. My major dislike for the school is, however, the environment. We drove through the general area on Sunday and it smelled really bad. The prospect of going to school where LA smog empties out of the basin isn't all that appealing...</p>

<p>Did you actually come to the campus? Because, honesetly, I have never had an issue from the air. The air, at least on campus, is much cleaner and nicer than the air from where I grew up, the Coachella Valley.</p>

<p>My last visit to the actual campus was quite a few years ago so it may not be too accurate, but it was really dusty that day X_X Anyways, I'm pretty sure the air thing ranks as an issue to them too since that's apparently what their biomedical program was started for (according to the wiki) Also, I'm from SD, so , yeah the air quality is decent here (unless we get the smog from LA during Santa Ana winds)</p>

<p>seiken, what year r u in? ive been to ucr n i like it. i actually like it better than ucsb. but i guess it all depends on the person n what they do at the school. im planning on attending riverside in the fall. n yeahh i agree that ppl talk down on ucr because they're ignorant, hear gossip stories, and the school is fairly new. i guess the only flaw is there, there's not much outside of the campus. but hey, the city outside sb isnt all that great, n ucs is in the middle of the ghetto, n u get the point.</p>

<p>I would be a first-year junior, so im class experienced but campus moderate. Honestly I like the surrounding area. Everything I need is within quick distance, except for clubbing (not seals).</p>

<p>I know there are a few clubs in Riverside but I'm not sure how they compare to say, L.A. That being said, I'm not really a big clubbing person so I'm not the most knowledge on the subject. I just went to Incahoots a couple times and it wasn't horrible. </p>

<p>As for Riverside there is a lot of stuff to do within a driving distance. I can get to Disneyland in 45 minutes, the beach in an hour, Staples Center in about 1-2 hours (depending on traffic), the Coachella Music Festival in about an hour, and San Diego in about 1-2 hours as well. It all depends on what you like to do though, and if any of you ever want to tell me what you like doing I can usually name something in a decent distance away from Riverside (if not in it).</p>

<p>do u guys dorm suites or traditional hall? which would u recommend? n if trad, A-I or loathian?</p>