Why is Wisconsin falling in the rankings?

<p>FLDad-your lists are terrible. Of the 7 you listed only UW has a $Billion research function, More CEOs produced, more NAS memebers on the faculty by far, and far more patents, etc etc. UVa dos not belong and UW is very similar to UCLA and UM in most measurables like above. UCB is tops by itself. You might want to look at the more data driven rankings such as the World Rankings by SJTU in China. </p>

<p>[url=&lt;a href=“http://www.shanghairanking.com/ARWU2011.html]ARWU2011[/url”&gt;http://www.shanghairanking.com/ARWU2011.html]ARWU2011[/url</a>]</p>

<p>The problem is UW’s for a 48% four year graduation rate. Every school has the problem of changing majors. Harvard is 87%, I went to NYU and that’s 76%. Shame on uw.</p>

<p>NYU costs what $50K +. You better hurry. You can buy 7 years at UW OOS for what 4 costs at NYU.</p>

<p>I see no reason is insult you. Every university has the same issues, but they seem to have a higher gradulating rate then UW. Just because Harvard and NYU cost more then UW doesn’t make the graduating rate higher. I admitt that I attended private schools and I graduated early, but it was easy to get into required classes (NYU is very large) and the major classes tended to be quite small. I remember that I had two students in my applied math. I had hundreds in certain computer classes. Maybe there are just too many upper classman at UW which can close out others that are not seniors.</p>

<p>In the papers I posted getting classes barely even came up as an issue in graduating on time. Much more important where taking off a semster or more (DUH) and being in majors that take more than 4 years such as engineering with co-ops and education with student teaching. UW advanced classes are often very small too. There is another analysis on the UW site that has the number of students in every class.</p>

<p>Still continuing to drop. Close to 50 now - was 35 when I enrolled, I think.</p>