Why might people hide their profile?

@kls1014, To find privacy settings click on your avatar, then click on the person icon. Click on preferences then select interface. Under Other is an option to hide your profile.

@CC_Jon, privacy settings shouldn’t be so hard to find. They should be on the 1st menu and clearly labeled “privacy.”

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I really hope that the result of this forum is not an increase in hidden profiles. Hiding IMO is one of the worst aspects of CC. I prefer things that build our community and not detract from it.


what is gained by looking at someones personal profile?? personally, I believe there is no reason anyone needs to see the different schools/threads I follow. making profile personal/hidden still allows everyone to read posts, but just does not give strangers the ability to further investigate someone



You will see everyones past posting history when you read the thread in which you are interested, correct? Am I missing something?

People are welcome to read my past posts, see when I joined, and when I last posted. The number of likes we get are okay too because that might be useful to other posters. Until everything else about me is deleted from my public profile it will remain hidden.



I think people worried about the privacy of their anonymous profile is a bit ridiculous. Having this set to private makes it more difficult to ascertain the poster’s credibility and more difficult to give the poster helpful advice. This forum is worse off for allowing profiles to be private.

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I’m with you on this topic. If people are worry about privacy then don’t post any “private” data. Personally, I don’t see the need of hiding my kid’s stats, the colleges she applied, where is she in the college process or Even the basic or sometimes “dumb” questions since the info may help other students/parents in this cycle or in the future.


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Are many people saying they want their posts to be private? I’m not getting that impression. It’s the rest of the data that’s unnecessary. The last time I was seen, how many minutes I spent here, how many days I visited, the number of topics I viewed, the number of posts I read and most of the rest of the profile items are nobody’s business.

I don’t necessarily disagree, I just don’t understand why you would care.

Although if I can see you spend a lot of time here I probably give your opinion a bit more weight. If you pop on twice a year for 15 minutes, you don’t have nearly as much credibility.

I don’t think anyone is really parsing those numbers, plus I don’t think they can be that accurate anyway. I am an “overtabber” in chrome, so between my iphone and chromebook I am probably logged in 24/7, and I probably show as being here more than I really am, both from unopened tabs and from clicking on a tab accidentally for a few seconds and then closing it again.

But I guess this is my question, and I am trying to actually ask not be a smart alec about this. Why do you care? I can honestly say I haven’t looked at mine, and most of the things you are talking about I only briefly look at on the rare occasion I look at all. I can say with confidence I have never looked at yours. I recognize your name from posting enough that I know you have been around a while, so I give your opinion a bit more weight that someone I have never heard of. But my memory isn’t great, and I don’t always pay attention. Especially for people who don’t use avatars and just have the initial, it doesn’t always register with me who someone is. So on occasion (probably 1-2% of the time) I will look at the profile for a few seconds.

So please don’t take this the wrong way, I am not trying to be combative. I just legitimately don’t understand why anyone cares what it says.

In the social world, it can be a critical part of getting to know someone.

I would not consider your situation to be private. People are able to learn enough about you, in a reasonable amount of time, to decide what they think. On the other hand, I feel differently about the completely hidden folks - especially those that have aggressive opinions.

Clearly some folks here are either pretty new or don’t remember the older iterations of this site. It used to be that your posts had your screenname, the number of posts you have posted on this site, and IIRC at one point your joining date.

Now, if someone really wants to know those things (and frankly I don’t care) they need to go to my profile to find them.

I will say, you can still find everyone’s posts just by searching their screenname, but it’s not nearly as well organized and takes more time.

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