Why Not. Chances Evaluation Please.

<p>i'm sure I won't get a whole lot out of this but hey i'll give it a try. btw if joseph sees this, this is alex from ap lit with rotramel.</p>

<p>i'll start with the acedemics:
by the time I graduate I'll have taken 11-12 ap exams (debating whether or not to do the ap world history independent study). more than half are this year and are mostly social studies/english, both of which i like. overall i'm seeing:
ap human geo - 3 (dont judge, it was my freshman year lol)
ap euro - 4
ap lang - 4
ap us - 4
ap bio - 2 (he didnt teach for the exam, only two people passed, and they normally get five's easy)
ap lit - 5
ap stats - 4
ap micro - 5
ap macro - 5
ap us gov - 5
ap psych - 5
ap world history (if i take it) - 4 or 5, we'll have to see how difficult the material is. i'm feeling a five but we'll see.</p>

<p>three years of spanish (would have been four but some scheduling flubs made that impossible) and i have a talent for it so i'm definitely pursuing a fluency in college. also hoping to learn mandarin chinese, arabic, or both by the time all of my education is complete. i like culture and history so learning the languages helps a lot (also means i have a shot at more study abroad).</p>

<p>BUT i fail in the gpa department. i think maybe a 3.4 when i apply (one trimester before i do) and a 3.5 when i graduate. not very good i know, but i'm hoping good grades this year (not even an uncertainty, out of six classes the worst im getting is 4 A's and 2 B's) with the heavy courseload might help out a bit. the weighted is like .3-.4 higher because of all the ap classes.</p>

<p>AND MY MOM HAS JUST ARRIVED TO PICK ME UP SO I'LL FINISH THIS LATER =/ (if forum edits are even possible on here. if not please delete moderators).</p>