WHY NYU question changed?

<p>On the supplement this year, did they change the usual "WHY NYU...DON'T SAY NYC" question to "create/join an activity that would affect the greater community...?" Just wondering both because I'm curious lol Do you think it's still a good idea to add elements of "WHY NYU" to this question? Thanks.</p>

<p>there's a "why NYU" question? damn I hate those I can never answer them well.</p>

<p>There wasn't a why NYU question last year (I don't remember it), but there WAS the activity question, pick a song question and a realtive you emulate</p>

<p>I'm pretty sure there was a "Why NYU?" question... or at least why "<cas, stern,="" steinhardt,="" etc.="">"</cas,></p>

<p>Hey all...</p>

<p>There's still a "why certain program/major question." </p>

<p>I was just looking around old CC posts, and it seemed the question use to be something like "NYC is an exciting place, but why do you want to go to NYU (besides NYC)." </p>

<p>Sorry, this question is kinda pointless lol</p>