why (school name) essay question

<p>i was wondering how to go about writing a "why (enter school name)" type of essay.
What do they use to kind of "grade" your essay to other student's essays?</p>

<p>I feel like for an essay like that, you can't really be so creative. It seems just like an essay to see how much research you did about the school. But then again, i could be wrong.</p>

<p>Can students who got accepted to their schools with those types of supplemental essays give me feedback about it?</p>

<p>you’re right, you can’t be too creative, which is why the creative ones get extra points with the admissions officers! They really just want to read that you have a passion for their school, whether it be for a certain major or some EC they offer, they want to feel that you really want to go there, not just that it’s your third choice school and you recycled another “why ____” essay for them. You definitely need to do research about some specific things you like about the school and talk about them. Don’t talk about generic topics like the beauty of the campus or the city they’re located in since thousands of other kids will do the same.</p>

<p>first off for the why X colleges, they are looking the following:
-you truly want to go there
-you know what you are talking about (research everything before you put on there.)
-DON’T! misspell the college’s name! this sends a cringe down every adcom
-something that’s not stated in the brochure. i strongly recommend you contact current students from that university.
-how you will benefit from going there</p>