Why should I choose Alabama over Ole Miss

<p>I was just admitted into the University of Alabama yesterday, it was my original #1 school but after I heard back from Ole Miss in early December I jumped the gun a little bit, I spent 50 dollars on my Ole Miss Housing App, and 150 on the Orientation, also my dad already booked our flight and hotel for when we visit ole miss during my orientation, the hotel reservations can be canceled and my dad can change the flight to anywhere he wants within a year so obviously I would switch it to Birmingham whenever I would have bama orientation, but is doing all of this really worth it? I know Alabama is a far superior school in fact I got placed into " Crimson Connections" which is because my grades were below the standards its just a thing where I have supervised study hall every week and i have to take a certain amount of hours of core classes my freshman year. Anyways I want to major in Political Science and move on to Law School after, would you guys recommend I go through the trouble and do all of this and go to bama or stick with ole miss, and give me reasons please. Sorry about the length of this post but it is my future …</p>

<p>Well, you could do undergrad at Alabama and law school at Ole Miss, or vice versa.
It’s a difficult choice. Both schools have longstanding traditions. Each school has its strengths and weaknesses.
In the end, it’s YOUR choice. Where do you feel more comfortable? Where do you feel like you belong more?
It’s up to you.
Good luck!</p>

<p>Have you visited Alabama? There is always the pros and cons list…but yes ultimately it is where you think you will be happy and productive for 4 years. I put a plug in for Alabama…since they tagged you for “Crimson Connections” you can begin to see how much they care about their students (and there’s A LOT of them!) and are wanting to help you succeed in your college path. I have not visited Ole Miss and so I cannot speak directly to the faculty/University support system but if you look back and read several threads here you will find over and over again parents and students alike raving over the genuine “caring” mentality at Alabama. Coming from out of state as well we have been so impressed with the faculty, their accessibility to students out of the classroom, their willingness to work with students to help them succeed, their commitment to a quality education and finally their quest to establish relationships with students that extend beyond the classroom. Good luck…pros and cons…Roll Tide!</p>

<p>I want to put a good word in for Bama as well. </p>

<p>I really feel their commitment to students and their educational well being. I was at a recruitment session last fall where Dr. Witt (UA’s president) spoke. Although he was speaking at an “honors” recruitment, he spoke about the desire to recruit students with lower grades and to support their educational endeavors because they can be successful in college. Some schools go only for the better students just to boost their statistics.</p>

<p>Everyone deserves an opportunity at a college education. Some students do not fully blossom until college.</p>

<p>Hello dear friend…</p>

<p>you already know that I want you to come to Bama…LOL… I hope others here will help convince you. :slight_smile: Tell your dad to let you come for a visit! (where is your twin going to go?)</p>

<p>(P.S. You know your dad won’t mind springing for the extra bucks to blow off Ole Miss. :wink: He wants you to be happy…right!?)</p>

<p>I would agree with what everyone says above. My S spent a month last summer at Ole Miss and is going to be a freshman at Bama in the fall. I would advise a visit, it depends on what you are looking for. Ole Miss is a fine school. Oxford and Tuscaloosa are very different towns as well. My S prefers Tuscaloosa, Oxford is a beautiful town, but it is a little small for him. Ole Miss also seemed not as well organized.
He did not apply to Ole Miss.</p>

<p>I’m just the parent of a prospective student, so my knowledge of Bama comes from D’s visit and the kind people on this forum.</p>

<p>However, even without first hand knowledge of the school, I would suggest that you think back to WHY Bama was your first choice in the first place. Has any of that changed? If not, I wouldn’t let a couple hundred dollars and some logistics influence what I did for the next four years. If you’re still not sure, definitely visit.</p>

<p>The Quad > The Grove
Coach Bryant >>>> John Vaught
Rammer Jammer > Hotty Toddy
Joe Namath & Ken Stabler > Archie & Eli Manning
Hotness of girls on campus <>
Greek life <></p>

<p>But the most important reason is UA is a top 100 school academically and Ole Miss is not :-)</p>

<p>Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>My brothers going to Endicott College, its a small school in Massachusetts its pretty good…and I definitely want to go to Bama I hope my dad will let me go through with it… so best case scenario is Roll Tide, worst case is Hotty Toddy! lol</p>


<p>What is your dad saying about visiting Bama? (I am so happy that you got accepted!! :slight_smile: )</p>

<p>How is your last semester going at school?</p>

<p>Rankings are not everything, but this looks like a no-brainer

<h1>35 University of Alabama School of Law</h1>

<h1>107 Ole Miss School of Law</h1>

<p>[Best</a> Law School Rankings | Law Program Rankings | US News](<a href=“http://grad-schools.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-graduate-schools/top-law-schools/law-rankings/sort+c_rank_final_overall_sort/sortdir+asc]Best”>http://grad-schools.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-graduate-schools/top-law-schools/law-rankings/sort+c_rank_final_overall_sort/sortdir+asc)</p>

<p>We wouldn’t visit untill my orientation most likely</p>

<p>And im doin good I’ve been gettin all As and Bs except for math I have a c</p>

<p>Well, the C in math is still better than a D! Right!!?? </p>

<p>The rest of your grades are very good! :)</p>

<p>I saw your FB status…</p>

<p>Roll Tide and welcome to Bama!!!</p>

<p>As soon as you get to Bama, sign up for tutoring at the Center for Teaching and Learning…for math, sciences, whatever. The tutoring is free and very good. My sons are tutors there, but my older son is graduating in May…but my younger son will still be tutoring math and sciences. His last name is the same as mine, so you’ll be able to find him on the list…he’s a very good math tutor…use him! :)</p>

<p>I cannot decide between those 2 schools either!! Which one is better for out of state students? (I’m from Rhode Island)</p>

<p>I believe that Bama is best for OOS students because Bama has more OOS students who are from all parts of the country. Bama has done an excellent job recruiting kids who are from states that don’t border Alabama.</p>

<p>What is your major?</p>

<p>Okay thank you! :slight_smile: And my major is International Studies/Political Science.</p>


<p>Very interesting major!</p>

<p>Have you visited Bama?</p>

<p>No I never got the chance to visit. I wasn’t planning on applying there until January and by then it was too late to visit because of school and cheerleading. So they sent me a DVD that has a campus tour on it so that was pretty helpful :)</p>

<p>So, have you signed up for Bama Bound?</p>

<p>this is another nice video…</p>

<p>[YouTube</a> - The University of Alabama College of Arts & Sciences “This is How College is Meant to Be”](<a href=“- YouTube”>- YouTube)</p>